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Disclaimer: Mature scenes of the same sex are included.

Menaggio, Italy

"Are ready to face the outside world once again?"

Dana Monroe turned her head slightly, squinting from the morning sun to look her brother's way. Her smile grew wider just by saying the word brother in her head. Gianni was worth every value of how one's brother should be. Since they arrived at the Delacourde's mansion, Gianni has been her constant companion. Though he had the female guards escort her outside of the mansion walls, he insisted extra men be put on security. He made sure she ate healthy, go to therapy, see the sights of Menaggio, help her socialize more and be her shoulder to cry on. They were on their daily beach walk, sipping on their Italian coffee, talking about anything and sometimes nothing. She was delighted to have him as her brother.

"Surprisingly, I am. Being here was godsent. I can't thank everyone enough for saving me when I lost hope that I will die at my father's hands," she confessed.

"We may not be fully blood-related, but you're family. Even if Mercer didn't approach Raizon, you would have been still rescued. What we want to see now, is you becoming better and living a free life.  While you're on your way to recovery, you have us in your life now. A large extended family who will protect you to the ends of the earth." He was right, she thought. Looking back on the little time she arrived, the whole family rallied behind her. In the melting pot, she called the Delacourde Clan, she found a father figure in Zane, a mother and friend in Giselle, brothers in Stephen and Gianni and a pure sense of faith and love in Lionel. That man stayed by her side as long as Gianni did. They haven't moved passed hand holding yet but the feelings, the true honest to goodness feelings were right there between them.

"I like having a big family now. I'm no longer alone," she commented.

"No, you aren't." Gianni smiled at his sister, she changed little by little, still a bit skittish among men but overall healing. Gone was her long beautiful blonde hair, to replace it was a cute pixie styled which showed her delicate beauty, even more, her beauty mark pronounced her innocence that was stolen from her. Her battered thin body now had a healthy glow of being well-fed and being active. The ladies were giving her self defense training, along with gym work with Giselle. Gianni remembered the look of awe Dana had on her face when she saw his mother practicing her martial arts with her trainer. Though the older woman was no longer head of the household, she still kept up her training, it has been the same from the first day his father started with her. Deep down, Gianni knew she was doing that routine to keep Renith Delacourde alive in her heart. She still wore his ring around her neck and made his personal handgun her own. 
Since the arrival of everyone, the old Giselle was back. The queen was in her domain, mothering everyone, keeping up with everyone back in the states and staying in the loop for any threat still around Dana.

"Are you nervous?"

Gianni frown in confusion of her question. She giggled when she saw the look. "Sorry. About your wedding. Are you nervous?" she clarified. The sappiest look took over his face, Dana laughed boisterously because of that look. Gianni simply nudged her and looked over his shoulder where the mansion lay. Though he can't see him, he knew Stephen was somewhere along one of the balconies keeping an eye out for him to return. 

"Nope. We've been together for like..... forever. He's my best friend first of all. He became the love of my life in a quick flash that I didn't question it. I was shocked and blessed to know he too was gay and loved me. We had our rough patches in coming out of the proverbial closet, the fear of ruining our friendship and the relationships around us but we made it. You can't have love without a little drams, as mother says."

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