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" Sex. Drugs and blackmail. No this isn't another Hollywood star report but one that is right at home folks. In approximately eight hours ago, media houses and the local police have been alerted of certain indiscretions of a certain high profile family. As you are seeing now, Derrick Monroe, the only son of governor Douglas Monroe is seen being escorted out of his - get this- paradise hotel. Known to everyone as the all American boy next door, the Georgetown graduate have been running his very own brothel since college years. Not only were there illegal and forced participation of sex to college girls, but drugs have also been found at the location upon further investigation."

Watching with pride in his eyes and heart, Raizon chuckled at the clip the news channel has been running of Monroe's son and his buddies being arrested and escorted off the sprawling mansion the kid deemed Paradise Hotel. He glanced to the woman sitting beside him, taking a lazy sip of her coffee, hiding the smile on her face as she too looked on.

"Charges are being made and in addition to these, illegal underground fighting has been reported. Evidence was brought to light and witnesses and victims have stepped forward. Derrick Monroe is currently employed as a junior lawyer at one of Washington's most prestigious law firm, the same law firm his father once made senior partner before he dived into the political world. Known for high profile clientele, Jackson and Co. refused to make any comment on their employee. To make matters worse, three other lawyers from this same firm, names were found on a detailed guest log at the 'paradise hotel', along with other prominent names in the country. Douglas Monroe as you know has been running for Senate and have been under heavy scrutiny by the media and his political rivals. Investigations have begun on the Monroe family after this unearthed secret after so long....."

Raizon muted the broadcast and turned fully to meet the eyes of his devilish queen.

"I must commend you on your superior tech and thorough team. They've uncovered so much in such little time on the man. It's either the guys are superb at their job or Monroe and his family are egotistically confident," Arianna commented with a sly smirk on her lips. Taking a deep breath and shifting uncomfortably on his seat, Raizon has never been so turned on in all of his years as an adult. His woman's devious mind was such turn on. She retaliated in a way he may have never done, a way that will take him away from Monroe's sight.

"I say both. I love that calculating mind of yours, Miss Lincoln," he said lowly.

"Thank you, baby," she replied leaning forward, bring her face closer to his. His eyes took in her make-up free face and felt, even more, pride surge through his heart. This gorgeous, smart and curvaceous black beauty was his and only his, better yet she loved and accepted him. Not just him as a man but a powerful CEO and Mafia King, she stayed by his side after revealing everything to her. He was so fucking lucky.

"So very lucky," he whispered before closing the distance, kissing her soft lips so gently and slow. Arianna moaned between kisses as each touch of Raizon's lips and tongue sent her in a tailspin. This one man controlled her body and mind so easily and she didn't care, he was it for her.

Her future.

"Anymore tricks up your sleeve?" he asked against her lips, his eyes taking in every inch of her face. Her dark eyes framed by long lashes, her slim nose that fit perfectly with her features, soft lips that he loves to taste, her delicate features that drove him wild. His baby.

"I've asked the guys to dig deeper and keep in contact with the reporter. Liam Harrison a hard-hitting reporter upstate has been behind Monroe since the man was a lawyer. I'm sure we can find uses for him in the future. Everything was sent to him anonymously, tracks were covered...... Wait it was in the email between the guys and me, " she said eyeing him skeptically.

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