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With Arianna safely under my roof, I was a bit relaxed with the goings of the situation. The house was a bit too active for my taste at the moment. I decided to escape to my office for a little quiet before hurricane Gianni blows in. Rounding my desk, I called Michael's number and he answered right away. That didn't surprise me. It was slightly unnerving.

"Is she alright?"

"Yes. She's currently being cared for in her room," was my response.
I can hear his sigh of relief then relaying the message to Stephen. We stayed quiet for a moment, the tension between us was palpable and we both knew why. It had me foolishly thinking like a sap at possibilities of fighting Michael for Arianna's affections.

"Don't hurt her."

I couldn't respond because I wasn't one to share personal problems with anyone. Not even Gianni. I've now come to terms with identifying these feelings, these emotions that I can't really express myself. Instead of getting into that, I pounced onto the  matter on hand.
"Any issues in getting to the Caine residence?"

"No. Stephen has put things in place and so have I. Are you going to tell us who's picking us off like flies?" He asked. I can hear the distinct clicks of guns dismantling for cleaning and familiar voices in the background.

"Not entirely. The most I can tell you is the man behind it all has a reach as far as myself. Be aware of your surroundings," I replied before ending the call.

I was tired and sleep deprived but I had to keep going. My mind raced with so much options to get rid of Monroe but the disappearance of a politician will raise a lot of questions.
Taking off the Kevlar vest and gloves, I felt a burning pain in my arm. Looking at the right arm, I sighed and easily ditched the long sleeved black shirt and vest before going over to the intercom.

"Grant. Be in my office in ten," I said into the intercom before fixing myself a strong drink. The bullet that got me was lodged into my upper arm and was lightly bleeding. The shirt probably soaked up the majority of it which didn't bother me. The adrenaline kept the pain away but I was shot so many times that I was oblivious to it all. Just pissed my latest piece was messed up. My new tattooed piece was a sleeve depicting Ares, god of war. I thought it suitable for my need for destruction of those who cross me. Now I must plan the cleanest one possible.
Taking my drink back to my desk, I began on some paperwork I had shipped to the house a couple days earlier. Placed in a bright blue file, above all the others were the expense report on the left wing's renovation. I expected a large total but was only met with receipts for new blinds, paint, closet expansion and minor changes to the bathroom in the master suite. I was confused till I saw the handwritten note from Gio. They used her personal belongings to redecorate the suite as per Gianni's instructions. I was curious to see her room. The house was rarely used and now that it was seeing activity, I'm a bit apprehensive about it all.
Placing the file in the drawer of all my personal folders, I returned to surveillance photos I had on a few senators and friends attached to Governor Monroe. He had a powerful list of friends but I knew how he acquired and kept those friends in his favor. I have in my possession so much evidence of corruption on him and his family that it will send them to the streets till their last days on earth. Father let his guard down as Gianni got older which cost him his life. It was up to me now to nip this in the bud but first my little brother must know the truth.

Two knocks on my office door alerted me of Grant's presence. Glancing at the camera positioned outside the door, I unlocked the door for him and my brother who was standing behind him. Taking a look again at the security monitors, I glanced at the hallway that led to Arianna's suite. A matronly woman and the thin red head was leaving her room.

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