Chapter Seven

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When James woke up on the normally comfortable yet too-small couch, he smiled contentedly. Sure, his back was killing him, and his left leg had no blood circulation, but it was the best morning he had ever had. The warm tones of his humble cabin greeted his senses as he looked around the living room. He had slept on the couch out of respect from his mate, but also so he could hear if someone tried to get in through the front door.

He knew it was ridiculous to fear for his mate's safety, especially in the comfort of his own pack, but he couldn't help it. He loved knowing she was sleeping peacefully just a floor above him. The faint sound of her heartbeat was music to his ears and had lulled him to sleep in record time. Tuning his ears in to hear it, he paused. Heart dropping in his chest, he sprinted full force up the stairs. Ripping the door open it was at risk of falling off the hinges and yet he could not care less, the ruffled sheet and the faint smell of wind and rain were the only signs his mate had even been in the room, let alone slept there all night.

Freaking out he sprinted outside, uncaring of his boxer-clad body. There was no need for modesty when his mate could have run away, or worse, been taken. Seconds away from shifting he spotted her, curled in a ball against a tree, she slept with her face pressed against the grass. His heart slowed its pace, but he could not help but be furious with her, didn't she know that he would worry about her? Didn't she realize that it was dangerous outside? That he might just rip his own heart out if something were to happen to her?

No, he realized, she didn't realize, because to her he was just the pet wolf who followed her around, to her he was nothing. The thought made him clench his fists in anger and yet he couldn't risk showing her his angry side, he didn't want to scare her away when she had just gotten here. At least she hadn't run away like last time, she hadn't made to return back to her home, she had actually stayed nearby, stayed with him.

Acknowledging that the fact that she hadn't run away was a miracle in itself, he sighed, shaking off the last notes of anger, he went inside to make breakfast. It had been so long since he had eaten as a human, he had never spent that much time in wolf form before, in fact, he did not know of many wolves who had. She was worth it though, worth giving up his skin for fur. It wasn't like his wolf hadn't loved every minute he spent out free, cuddling up to his mate, protecting and taking care of her. His wolf had always loved the hunt, but knowing he was providing for his mate had made the process even more enjoyable. Now, however, it was his human side that got to provide and make food for her.

Standing in his kitchen he opened the fridge and stared inside, last night after walking himself and his mate home, Matt had left, letting him know that someone would be by to stock the fridge. Thank god Matt had had the forethought to do that, else he'd have nothing to feed his angel but stale bread and crackers. Not known for his abilities in the kitchen, James grabbed the eggs from the top shelf and pulled out a pan. He hoped she was okay with eggs, she knew she wasn't a vegetarian or anything ridiculous like that, he didn't know if he'd be able to handle it if she was against meat, as his wolf needed all the protein it could get.

The thought left almost as soon as it manifested however, he knew that if she wanted to swear off meat, hell if she wanted to go vegan, he'd let her. Anything his mate wanted she would get, and if it meant he had to choke down pounds of tofu he would.

Making the eggs he wondered when she had managed to slip outside. With his wolf hearing he would have been able to hear the door opening and yet he had slept soundly throughout the whole night. Sniffing the air and listening closely he registered the faint rustling of the breeze through the upstairs window, she must have jumped. Annoyed that she would take such risks with her life, he had to remind himself that she was an independent woman, one who had managed the extremes of the forest and could surely take care of herself.

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