Chapter Twenty Five

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            She didn't return home that night. After walking the rest of the way in relative silence, they parted way on Matt and Margot's porch. Both agreed that maybe they were better off healing apart from one another, but James promised to visit every day and to take her on walks.

That night Soren ate dinner with Matt and Margot, feeling more awake and alive after having seen James. It was amazing what spending just an hour of time together did for her psyche. He was better for her than any single night's sleep could be.

"So, how was it?" Margot asked after dinner.

Both the women sat in the living room, hot cups of tea in their hands. The fireplace crackled in the background and Soren felt more at peace then she had since having arrived at Margot's.

"It was good, I didn't realize how much I missed him until he was there in front of me and I didn't have to anymore."

"I remember the first time I had to be away from Matt for more then a day. I drove everyone crazy with my worrying, Variety and Pops had to virtually barricade me in the house, so I didn't go after him. Him coming home felt like the best thing that had ever happened to me – since meeting him, of course."

Soren was glad she wasn't the only one who had felt like she had earlier that day. Margot was always able to sympathize and relate to Soren's emotions and help her talk through her problems, as a wiser, more experienced wolf.

"Is it bad that I don't think we should be together right now?"

She felt like she was betraying the bond that her and James had formed. They had promised their lives to one another and yet, at the first sign of trouble they split ways, she felt guilty for breaking her vow, but she knew it was for the best.

"No, of course not. Mates are meant for each other, they are two halves of a whole and as such they fit together perfectly, but most people misunderstand the nature of the mate bond and the relationship that should form as a result. Lots of wolves find their mates and automatically think they need to spend all their time with them, that's not true. You and James are supposed to be together, but you're perfect for each other because of the people you are as individuals, not the people you become as a couple. Does that make sense?"

"I think so." Slowly Margot's words were sinking in.

"You need to be happy with yourself alone, before you can be happy as yourself and your mate. Your mate is there to love you and cherish you and make you the best version of yourself, notto dictate your life and change who you are."

Arms wrapped themselves around Margot's shoulders, a squeak of surprise erupting from the gorgeous brunette,

"My mate is so smart, don't you think, Ren?"

Matt looked in awe of the woman he held in his arms, not waiting for a response, he swooped Margot up in his arms, swinging her over his shoulder.

"Matt, you barbarian, put me down! It's girl time!" Margot's fists beat at his back in frustration.

"Girls Night? You mean you talking non-stop and Soren pretending to listen? No, not okay, I have a better night planned, just you wait."

He sent a wink Soren's way, walking towards the bedroom and slamming the door, a last squeal from Margot the last thing she heard before the couple was sealed away.

Soren's heart sent out a pang at the sight of the couple who worked so well together. It wasn't hard to see why the fates had paired them together, they were two pees in a pod. Soren wondered why her, and James couldn't be like that, why they weren't normal. Still, there had to be a reason they were mated, why the two damaged souls were put together, maybe Margot was right, and they couldn't rely on one another to heal each other, but maybe they could heal in tandem. She knew James would be supportive of her healing process, because he had gone through and was going through similar things.

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