Chapter Sixteen

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The woods around the pack grounds were magical. With a soft snow fall, it couldn't have been a better tour of the grounds. Soren loved to walk within the trees, getting flakes of snow caught in her hair, her nose getting red and making her snivel. She hoped she wasn't annoying James but every time she looked over at him, he told her she was 'cute' which she could help but resent, but also love. She kept catching him staring at her with a look in his eyes that she could only come to describe as admiration, but whatever it was it made her heart skip a beat every time.

As they walked James had kept hold of her hand, they walked in peaceful silence, until every once and a while James would share a piece of pack information and knowledge. He seemed to be a never-ending source of information about the wolves and about the pack, and Soren loved how passionately he talked about it. It was obvious that the pack was his life, and that he loved and cared for all of them deeply, they were his family.

"I'm sorry you spent so long away with them to be with me." She mumbled, gripping his hand hard as if afraid he would let go.

"I'm not." He said, tucking a piece of blonde hair behind her ear as she looked up to stare at him in disbelief,

"The pack's my family, yes, but sometimes they stress me out so much. It gets hard to handle, everyone always counting on you and coming to you for questions. I'd never want to be Alpha, I know so much work goes into that – more than I'd be able to manage, but at the same time Matt hardly deals with the personal aspect of the job. He gives speeches and holds interviews and event with everyone, but it's me that has to deal with people when their children are sick or their businesses are failing or a child goes missing, it just wears on a person, you know?"

Soren's heart didn't know whether to be in awe of the man in front of her, or cry for how much he sacrificed of himself for his people. He was an amazing man. He never asked for anything from her, other than the occasional demand that she eat, and he never complained. She didn't know how one man could be so selfless and kind, and yet so stressed and sad and lonely.

She pulled him into her and gave him a hug, gripping him as tightly as possible, and as she pulled away, she left a feather-light kiss on his cheek,

"You're amazing, you know that? Amazing."

She said it and she meant it, by the look on James' face, that wasn't the reaction he had been expecting. She knew he was always trying to be conscious of her, of not making her uncomfortable, but she was done being shy. Her time with him had shown her that he was no more threatening than his wolf, he might've been dangerous and undoubtedly deadly, but he wasn't to her. She knew he would never hurt her, and so she was done worrying, done keeping all her questions and comments inside.

"You still up for a little exploring before lunch? There's somewhere I want to show you."

He looked hopeful, and Soren was always happy to spend more time outside, breathing in the nature that calmed her,

"I'd love that."

With a grin, he grabbed her hand and began to set off deeper into the trees.

They ended up on top of a wide hill. Standing on top she felt like she could see for miles, it took her breath away.

"This is where I always come when I'm upset or stressed. It makes me feel small standing up here, and it seemed to make my problems seem smaller too."

They could see the small town the community had, the main street where they had a few assorted shops, as well as the houses that were scattered around. It was a picturesque sight, the town looking tranquil and calm from way up where they stood.

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