Chapter Twenty Six

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He took her back to Matt and Margot's, only this time he came inside instead of leaving her at the front door. He didn't ask, but he didn't have to. It was clear that she wasn't okay, and he needed to be there, at least for the time being. Soren wondered if maybe Margot had it wrong, she knew she couldn't rely on James to fix her; she knew there was nothing he could do in the name of saving her from herself. Margot was wrong though, the more Soren thought about it, the more she became sure that her and James had been paired in part for the way they could assist each other in healing, even if it was only being there for each other as moral support.

James helped her to the room that had been deemed hers, helping her out of her chair and into the bed. Soren hesitated at whether or not to ask James to stay, she knew it would help her sleep, but it was a big step in their relationship, one she wasn't sure she was ready for.

He made the decision for both of them, walking into the ensuite bathroom, she waited for him to leave so that she could ask him if he would stay until she fell asleep. He didn't come out of the bathroom though, it was his wolf. Chocolate brown fur came into sight, and she felt relief. James always knew what to do and how to make her comfortable.

He jumped up onto the bed beside her, placing his large head on his two front paws. Soren prayed Matt and Margot wouldn't mind having a wolf on their furniture. Knowing the couple that slept not even a minute away, they would be ecstatic that the two of the were sleeping in the same bed, whether James was human or not.

With him by her side she felt asleep seamlessly and slept through until morning. When she woke up James' wolf was still by her side, his eyes were open, and he looked alert as he watched her sleep. She rubbed his head and behind his ears, grinning as his eyes closed involuntarily,

"Good morning."

He let out a gentle huff and nuzzled his nose into her neck, nudging her off the bed. She let out a little laugh and complied, leaving the safe haven of sheets and making her way down the stairs and too the kitchen. It wasn't five minutes later that James appeared through the entrance to the kitchen, giving her a small hug, he pecked her on the cheek before opening the fridge like he was in his own home. It was clear he had spent lots of time with Margot and Matt, he knew exactly where everything he needed was, grabbing mugs for coffee and a pan for eggs.

He hadn't even started cooking and Soren's mouth was watering at the thought of food. She would never admit it to him, for fear of absolute embarrassment, but she loved watching him move around the kitchen. She found it incredibly attractive that he took care of her so well, making sure she was never hungry or uncomfortable.


He broke her out of her thoughts, and her cheeks reddened at the idea that he may have caught her staring at him.

"Hmm?" She hummed over the rim of her coffee mug,

"I was thinking maybe we could do dinner with Matt and Margot tonight," he looks hesitant to continue, "and that maybe if you're feeling alright, you could come back home."

His hand tore its way through his hair, leaving it sticking in all directions.

"If you'd be more comfortable here, I understand, but the cabin's your home too and I think it would help both of us sleep if we were close together."

She opened her mouth to speak but he cut her off,

"Don't answer right now, let me know after dinner, okay?"

She noted how nervous he looked, the more time she spent with him the more she understood that the confident face he put on for pack members was all an act. He was just as insecure and uncertain as she was, but false bravado had been getting him through everyday life as a person so many depended on, including her.

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