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"WHEN I THINK OF ALL THE TIMES I TRIED SO HARD TO LEAVE HER                                                                     SHE WILL TURN TO ME AND START TO CRY                                                                                                                                     AND SHE PROMISES THE EARTH TO ME AND I BELIEVE HER                                                                               AFTER ALL THIS TIME I DON'T KNOW WHY."

His sleep was interrupted by the door banging loudly, his body ached as he turned over, it was two in the afternoon, but the boy was not phased at his late sleep in, only catching a few hours of rest because of his constant waking up, his eyes were red and his vision was hazy and he forces himself to stand up.

He pulls on some pants before walking to the door, pushing his dark curls out of his face, rubbing his cheeks to wake himself up. He groggily walks towards the banging, still rattled and disorientated, he picks up the sound of whimpers and cries that take place through the wood, his body stiffens in his place, it could only belong to one person, he knew those cries all too well, a few footsteps stood between the couple, but he couldn't bear to look at her fate after the disaster which was just a few hours ago.

The dog wakes up to greet Finn, trotting his way over with his short little legs to the feet of the kind boy, Finn leans down slowly, making gentle movements to not sound as if he was in the house, even if it was evident that he was, his car was parked out front, where else would he be? He pats the tangled fur of the little pup, who licks his ankle and uses his little paws to dig into Finn's foot for some much-needed attention, the dog and him were sharing a bond, he knew he would have trouble detaching himself from the precious animal, but he had to let him go.

"Finn!" She screams, hitting the door loudly causing him to fall back onto the ground, the dog whimpers as he accidentally lands on his paw, he curses out quick apologies as his eyes grow wide and he barks in agony, he brings the hurt dog into his arms cradling the poor baby as he strokes his fur. He looks at the door with fear, "Finn, I can hear you, and what the hell is in your house," she says, her fisting balling tight and she knocks aggressively, trying to break her way to see the boy, the dog whimpers at the loud noises, he lets go of him as the animal sprints to his bedroom, slipping underneath his bed and shaking as he looks at the door.

Finn crawls towards on all fours, resting his fingers against the wood, the sound of her falling to the floor means they would be eye to eye if their view wasn't obstructed by the large frame separating them. Her fingers press against the wood where his remain, they can't feel one another's touch, but they can sense it's there, it lingers between the pair like a grey fog on a cold morning. "I don't want to let you in," he speaks truthfully, looking down in shame as he leans his forehead on the dark timber. "I know you don't, I am a disgrace, I am a terrible girlfriend, but I need you right now," her voice is hoarse, as she coughs to soothe the burning in her croaky throat, he was unsure if this was all an act or not, but she sounded convincing nonetheless.

He hits his head against the door, startling her from the other side as she backs away, she clears her throat, the dead silence that falls between them heavy and uncomfortable. "Finn," she says, hoping to hear him respond. "Yes," he whispers, but she catches notice to his soft words. She smiles hopefully, "We can't throw this all away."

"You were the one who threw it away, maybe I'm just letting go," he admits, ducking his head down as if he was being shamed, but words hurt, and he knew he was tearing apart his beautiful Freya.

He listens to her sobs, choking on tears as she slams her hands against the wood. "You can't let go, you won't let me go," she bawls, "I won't let you, you need me and I need you," she sniffles, wiping away her tears. She wasn't loyal, she was manipulative and hurtful, and he suffered, he held a heavyweight of past issues blended with his present issues, yet he was empathetic, easy to walk over, trampled alive by the ones he thought loved him.

SADBOY - FINN WOLFHARD ✔Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora