FIVE! - 2/2

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"ALL THE TIME, WITH NO MARKS                                                                                                                                           NO MARKS, NO EVIDENCE TO SEE."

He watched her, he let her be angry, he let her pace through the room, but she couldn't shake the thought of her brother's grimy fingers on her wrist, the way he scowled at her all day, or the comments that slipped through when he walked past her. She hated him from the bottom of her heart, she would show no remorse if he dropped dead right now, she wouldn't attend his funeral, maybe she would laugh at his lifeless body, go out on a bender to celebrate the death of such a disgusting brother because he's an awful person.

She couldn't tell anyone, she couldn't lash out the details of the horrendous actions of her sibling, nobody would understand, nobody could dissolve the words in a normal matter, Finn knew the foggy outline of what was wrong with the older boy, but he didn't seek for answers of questions he didn't really want to know. He sits there watching as her feet tap on the ground as she paces around the room, every time she tries to push it down the whole feeling regurgitates, the fire burns, roaring to escape through her body.

"Can I tell you about my day, it might distract you," he finally speaks, he had been eager to tell her the news, to spill every little second he spends in the Tesler-Mabe residents, he wanted her to hug him in joy for the success in his first proper celebration. It had been the best day of his very sad life, he had felt love, sure, but never a family love, he wanted so badly to call her parents his, even though he isn't allowed, it would be weird, and non-acceptable, he is the son of a crackhead woman and a six feet under man, but he wants to close his eyes with the snow globe pressed to his chest, imaging an alternative life of him and Ayla growing up in the snow, throwing snowballs at each other, before returning inside for hot chocolate and warm hugs from a loving mother and father.

"Yeah, maybe," she huffs, coming over to sit next to him, she presses her head into his warm chest, he wraps his long arms around her waist, as she looks at the photos decorating his mantle places, a few included her, some included his bandmates, and a small frame had a photo of his mother, father and his brother before he was even born. He never knew why he had it, but it had been in the suitcase when he went to the orphanage, so he kept it all the years.

"I didn't spend Christmas alone," he can't help break into a smile when he voices those words, his mouth is open wide, the corners of his lips upturned as he goes into bliss at the memory that only had stained itself in his mind a few hours ago. "What do you mean?" Freya tilts her head up, her chin on his chest as she looks up at him, he strokes her brown locks, twisting small parts of her hair around his fingers before dropping them to move to another part.

"Ayla picked me up, she took me to hers and I spent Christmas with their family!" He speaks excitably, a bubbly and cheery tone in his voice. "It was amazing, best day of my life, I felt like I belonged, in their family you know? They acted as if I was family, they thought of me as no different."

"You spent the day with Ayla?" she interrupts, trying to get her head around the situation, she felt jealous of him with another girl, Christmas isn't some throwaway holiday where you invite someone over, it means something. "Yeah, she wanted me to be included in Christmas, isn't that amazing!"

"It's so amazing!" she mocks. "Yeah, it's nice to know that while I was so desperately wanting to see you, whilst I send you numerous texts, you were to busy with another girl and becoming best buddies with her parents, Jesus, do I not make you feel like you belong?

"I don't mean it like that, her family just makes me feel included," he states, but she pushes herself off of his chest, crossing her arms and looking straightforward, she was pissed off, and now Finn was anxious, his heartbeat increases, not wanting the girl to be mad at him on a day that had meant so much to him, she can't destroy his happiness.

SADBOY - FINN WOLFHARD ✔Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant