Chapter Thirteen

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After a long, uncomfortable silence, we both found it was best to join the King for the lunch we had already planned. We met him at one of the restaurants they seemed to have in a little town just a short car ride away from the castle. They had cooks at the castle, I suppose even royals need a change in pace when it comes to meals.

It was pretty, elegant looking. It smelled good as soon as we stepped inside, my stomach was already aching from just the smell of it all. We sat in the middle of the restaurant, the place was popular as almost all the tables were filled. Even though we were in the middle of such a crowded restaurant, we almost felt secluded, it was quiet enough inside. There were even silk drapes that surrounded the table and blocked us from everyone else. Like our own little box. It was weird. The waiter respectfully bowed his head, handing us our menus and left us to our own secluded area.

"Anyways mother...what do you think of my mate?" His voice was now calm, charming almost. I don't know how to describe it, it was alluring?

"I think she is a fine young lady Damien. I think the both of you are a wonderful couple" She opened her menu, smiling at her son.

I let out a breathe, so far so good. I just glanced at the menu, looking at all the options. So many meats, so many meals. Most of it was raw foods, nothing I could stomach without getting sick. I gulped, maybe they can cook it for me or maybe there is some soup I have yet to find on the menu?

"But there is something I still question that I didn't get to ask earlier Claire" I glanced up at his mother. "How okay are you with his condition?"

I tensed as well as Damien. His shoulders straightened up, his grip on the menu tightening. Uh-Oh.

"W-well I see no problem Ma'am. He is my mate and...and I love him for who he is"

"What did you tell her mother?" His voice became aggressive. I froze. I'm so dead when we go back to the castle.

"I didn't say anything Damien. She told me you told her about your condition. Isn't that right Claire?"

"W-well I just saw the medication and I thought you-" I stopped my reasoning.

I lied. He looked at me with such anger. Such anger. I was scared. He was going to hurt my brother. Then he got up, grabbing my arm in the process.

"We are leaving"

"Oh Damien she made a mistake! We all do at some point! Leave the poor girl alone" then he got angrier.

He pulled me up, forcing me out of my chair. I hissed, feeling his claws begin to form.

"I said we are leaving. We are going to have to reschedule mother" His eyes glazed over for a second, then the waiters pulled back the silk drapes, taking the menus from off the table.

He pulled on me again, making me walk foreword.

"Keep your head down" I had to listen to him, I'm already in trouble and there is not point in rebelling any further.

"Damien! Damien!" He wasn't listening to her.

He dragged me out of the restaurant, back into the cold afternoon. We got a few paces before we could hear his mothers voice again.

"Noah Mallak!" He stopped.

That's not his name. Why did he stop? I could hear him growl. I yelped as he continued to walk to the car. He opened it, throwing me into the passenger seat then going to the driver seat. He pulled out of the parking lot so fast. He just left his mother there. His eyes glazed over once more as he began to speed down the road. He was going to fast, way to fast.

"D-Damien can you please slow down?!" That only made him speed up even more. "I-Im sorry! I didn't know that it was a sensitive topic! I didn't mean to snoop around your room!"

"Never! Never should anyone go through my stuff! You are an idiot for even trying to trick my mother to tell you my secrets!" His grip on the wheel was putting holes on the leather, his claws were going through it.

"I said I was sorry! I needed to know what you were hiding! Why did she call you Noah?!"

"Stay out of it"

"The medication, the changes in mood. I don't understand it! Your hiding something, something from everyone and if your King then everyone should know if your sick!"

"I said to fucking stay out of it Claire!" He took his eyes off the road for a second.

He stared at me with such hatred, his fangs on full display. I glanced at the road, my eyes widening in fear.

"Damien look out!" He didn't see the turn at first.

He slammed on the brakes, pulling over to the side of the road. I braced myself already, my body being thrown into the door. He took a deep breathe, taking his hands off the wheel.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?!"

"I have Dissociative identity disorder" then his eyes shut, he groaned, slamming his fist on the arm rest. "Shut the fuck up!"

I leaned as far away as I could from him. Please don't hurt my brother. Stop getting angry. Please.

"I-I'm sorry. I don't know what that is" I tried to sound calm but he got angry as expected. With his eyes still closed he yelled out as if he was in pain.

"Get out! Get out!" I hastily went to the door, unlocking it and running out of the car.

I backed up as best as I could and saw him. He was yelling at himself. I don't understand what he meant. Did he have a problem with his identity? Did he think he was someone else? I don't get it. Then he stopped yelling. He just stared at the dashboard. It took him a minute. Then he rolled down the window.

"Get back in the car Claire" he was now calm.

"Fuck no! What the hell is wrong with you?!"

"I'll explain when we get home. I didn't mean to scare you, just get in the car" there it goes again.

The smooth talking version of him. The sweet side. He generally seemed concerned. I shivered from the cold of the outside, I have to go in the car or I will freeze. Cautiously I walked towards it, opening the door and sitting on the edge of my seat.

"Please don't be scared...not of me"

"Damien stop...please. Your really scaring me" he nodded, beginning to get off the side of the road

Human She Was {UNDER CONSTRUCTION}जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें