Chapter Twenty-Three

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The King backed away from him, walking in the opposite direction. I made sure it was a safe distance away from the beast before running to Malcolm. The guard reluctantly let me go. Suddenly the King sped in front of me. I gasped falling down to the snow by the sudden approach. He growled snapping at me. I stumbled getting up. Then I had finally grown some courage. I stood straight, my fist balling.

"How dare you! I hate you! You are killing the man I use to love before you! You hurt him! He was the only person that truly made me feel worth something other than my family in this pack. A pack you burned to the ground!" He growled back in warning as I went to go towards Malcolm's body.

"Just back off!" How did my voice change?

Odd. My mind didn't comprehend when Axel sat down, almost obeying me. I ran to Malcolm, dropping back down to the snow, picking up his wolfs limp body.

"Malcolm I'm sorry. I'm sorry. This shouldn't have happened, you need to get up. Please we need to get you help" then slowly he started to shift human.

He was bare but I could care less, Ive already seen him like this. "I...lost Claire. Let me be" he spoke weakly, it almost broke my heart.

"I don't care. All this stupid pride shit. Let me help you damnit" he sighed closing his eyes in hurt.

I held onto his hand earning another growl from Axel. I only glared back at him.

"Go get help. You did this to him!" But he only stood still.

The guard next to him nudged him with his paw very lightly. Axel snapped back making the guard go back into submission. I had to leave him if I was going to help him. I fear Axel might hurt him again if I leave.

"If you hurt him anymore I will reject you. I will find out how to reject you" I threatened. He growled again in response. Slowly I gotten up leaving Malcolm in the snow. I then ran back to the tents as fast as I could.


He went into recovery along with my brother. His wounds were healing quickly, he should be up in a few hours. Yet he still worried me, he acted as though he was dying outside. Maybe he was close to it but the werewolf healing kept him up? I really don't know.

He was asleep now, he was breathing normally, getting better, he is fine Claire. Suddenly the talking all through the tent was silenced. It all went quiet. I looked up to see what caused this to see what caused it. The bastard himself. The King. He searched around the room and then his eyes met mine. He motioned with his eyes to come but I only narrowed my eyes back at him.

Then his eyes softened. It was Liam, it had to be.

"Claire come on. We need to go" I didn't want to make a scene.

It already was a scene but I didn't want to reveal anymore. I sighed, putting a kiss on Malcolm's forehead. I got up to leave but someone grabbed my hand. It was my brother Carson.

"Don't go...we just got you back.." I frowned at the thought. Is this the last time I would see them?

"I have to...or I'm afraid he will hurt you even more" I took a glance back at Liam.

I don't mean him, just the others were monsters. Jasmine made him lay back down as he attempted to get up, he was still healing. Then I felt I was getting embraced. I tensed but recognized shortly after it was Carter. I hugged him back then we both let go. It went the same way for Chase. He was crying though. Almost made me cry, just almost.  Then I went to Mom, that broke me. She was glaring at the king with such hatred, the same hatred she had in her eyes when her mate ratted me out.


"This is bullshit" she cursed. Just the way she said it made me laugh through my tears. Here is this small woman with a higher pitch voice cursing and trying to act tough.

"It's okay mom. It's okay. I'll try to be back as soon as I can" I kissed her forehead.

I wiped away some ash from her cheek and got away. If I stay for long, someone will get mad. At least I will still have Caleb with me. He said his goodbyes as well and then began to walk with me. Everyone continued to stare so I just kept my head down. Liam once I got close to him gently took my hand. I gulped looking back at my family. Now Malcolm was up, he had woke up and he was staring at the King. Such sadness washed over his eyes.

"Caleb you can stay here before deployment if you wish" Liam mentioned. Caleb raised a brow in confusion then looked at me.

"Fairy I-" he wanted to stay so bad. I know it. I can't be the reason he won't see his family again.

"Stay. I'll be fine" we also embraced. A bit longer, this is the last time I'll see him...he could die in the war.

"Be strong Fairy. Be strong and don't give into his games. You will make a great Queen I can assure you" there was mumbling from the crowd.

They can all hear, they are wolves with super hearing for Christ sake. I'm sure once the King and I leave my family will be attacked for questioning.

"Goodbye Claire" he stepped back, stuffing his hands in his pockets.

" 'Never say goodbye because goodbye means going away and going away means forgetting' " I quoted to him. He smiled, wiping away at his now wet eyes.

"Your right. But I can never forget you never" Liam then tugged at me hand saying to go.

I didn't say anything else to my family, only gave them a sad look then put my head down to walk with the King back to the car. I feel as though I'm walking into the devils lair. Theoretically I am. But now I know my family is safe for the most part. Seeing what the King has done scares me. All this fear he spreads. It's corrupting. This time he sat in the back of the car with me.

Uncomfortable as I was I sat all the way on the other side while the guard was setting up to drive. I just stared at the burned up pack. Watching it go off into the distance as we drive away. Then Liam went up and pulled up a shade to block the driver from viewing us. I froze feeling even more uncomfortable.

"Claire..." definitely not Liam anymore. I slightly turned to look at him. Yellow eyes. Yellow eyes.

"I'm sorry for what I did. He touched what was mine and deserved to be punished" I scoffed at this.

"Deserve? No one deserves to be hurt in that way you prick" I spat back. He growled lowly going to say something but stopped.

"Please let me mark you...please" he was begging?

"I don't think it's the right time" I don't want that attachment to you. I hate this so much.

"Do it for Liam then. It broke him seeing you with another man. It will eventually be done so we can do it now"

"Like I'm going to let you mark me as Noah almost killed my family and you almost killed Malcolm! Fuck no!" He got closer to me making me almost become one with the door. He then stopped trying scooting back to his side of the seat and staring out the window.

Human She Was {UNDER CONSTRUCTION}Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon