Chapter Twenty-Six

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I cried in absolute pain the whole way there. Noah carried me to the cell and threw me in. I landed on my already bent arm and cried out again. I heard the cell shut and lock behind me. It hurt so bad. This pain was pure torture.

My bones were cracking, my skin was turning. Everything was hurting and hurting. I don't even know what's happening to me. Why is this happening to me?! All this pain and bone crunching, what is happening?!?  From the corner of my eye I can see him. He was yelling at the doctor, pure rage in his eyes. He was so angry.

"What the fuck is happening to her? You said marking would be fine! She is not fine!" The King had him pinned to the wall, holding his throat down.

The doctor tried to get out of his death grip, clawing at Noah's hands. I wanted to tell him to stop but my back had other ideas. I could feel it begin to pull, the bones distorting and cracking. My throat was beginning to get sore from all the screams I released. I was starting to get tired of the continuous bone crunching and snapping, it was draining me.

"This is rare...I-I never seen it happen before" the doctor choked out. Noah released him and his head twitched.

"Rare how? What the fuck is happening to her?" My back cracked again and I rolled to the other side of my body with another scream of pain.

"Sir she's shifting! T-the mark by royal blood! This is what happens" the doctor put a hand over his bruised neck, rubbing it. Noah growled in response making the doctor back up.

"Shifting? That's impossible! She didn't have wolf blood you checked!" The doctor shook his head and flinched when he heard another one of my bones crack. 

"It was only a myth royal bloods can shift humans. It's never been gone before, never. My King I'm sorry I doubted this was going to happen"

"Doubted? You fucking doubted?! I'm going to fucking kill you!" The walls shook as his voice boomed.

He went to attack the doctor, his claws and canines on full display. I wanted to stop him from hurting the doctor, this didn't his fault he didn't hurt me directly. I went to speak but couldn't as I let out another sob as my back cracked again.

I shut my eyes, crying from all the pain I was in. I heard the cell door unlocking and opening. Then footsteps running to me. Something inside me then sparked. I felt my gums begin to bleed as they began to stretch and my eyes flashed open just to sting as if salt was spilled on them.

Me, yes I Claire, snarled at Damien or whoever it was. Acting very animalistic I might say. I couldn't think clearly. My body was moving without even thinking about it. He stopped in his tracks, waiting. I snapped at him, he dodged the aggressiveness. Then my eyes stopped stinging, my gums stopped stretching and I was back on the floor, crying in pain. He ran over to my side, rubbing soothing circles in my back.

"Claire. You need to relax and stop fighting it" it was Damien. The commanding voice always reminded me of him.

"W-What is happening to me?!" A bone in my back cracked again. I felt like passing out at this point. This was torture.

"Your turning into a werewolf" shifting...that's what they meant?!

"That's impossible I'm human I-" another bone cracking made me stop my sentence.

It's not impossible anymore now is it Claire. This time my leg was starting to stretch at the skin.

"No no no..." I continued to cry, then the ankle cracked, I slammed my fist into him in frustration. "Make it stop...make it stop I don't want to be a werewolf. Make it stop!" He just say there, firm as ever, he actually had worry in his eyes.

"I can't stop it. You have to let it happen, I'm sorry" I didn't want to be one of them.

I didn't want this! By marking I knew what I was risking, this was not one of them.

" please Damien!" Now I was begging. That's just great. I've stooped this low. I was that desperate.

"Claire just relax you are going to get through this you will be fine" This time he growled.

He looked up at the doctor again as another bone cracked at my legs. Another blood curling scream ripped through the air. He flinched at the scream, attempting to calm me down by running his hand through my hair.

"T-the full moon isn't for two days. I'm sorry my K-King" I could see Damien's hands tightened into fist. He mumbled a curse under his breathe and slowly gotten up, gently moving me to the ground.

"Where going?" He didn't answer me, only continued to walk out of the cell.

I couldn't find the energy to run after him, to drag him to hell with me. I panted, watching him lock it on his way out.

"Damien! What did you do to me?!" I had a moment of peace, but I could feel my skin start to slowly turn, something was about to break again. He stayed silent, his eyes then glazed over as well as the doctors. They aren't answering me. Why aren't they answering me?

They had another silent conversation, the stupid mind link. Another bone then cracked in my other arm. I let out another cry, my other hand banging into the earth as I tried to hold in a scream.

I glared up to see him sitting at the other side of the bars, actually looking sad. He was leaning against the wall, staring at me through the bars.

"Help me... please help me. I don't want to turn" Yet again another bone cracking and breaking ended the brief pause of pain. Another groan, he flinched again.

I felt so light headed. I continue to stare at him as I laid on the ground. I blacked out, my eyes rolled to the back fo my head and I passed out from all the pain.

Human She Was {UNDER CONSTRUCTION}Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu