Chapter Twenty-Eight

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I felt alone. I didn't know where I was. I could see snow on the ground in front of me but couldn't feel the cold.  My bare feet were on the ground, on the snow, yet I couldn't feel the cold. When I breathed, you could see it.  I must be dreaming. But what am I dreaming? Where the hell am I? Suddenly I wasn't alone anymore. There was a noise from the bushes in front of me. Something told me to stay, I couldn't run away from the possible threat. I stood there in fear, absolute complete fear.

Then laughing. Laughing children I heard. From the bushes two kids were wrestling, laughing while doing so.

A third following charging at them. He tackled the one on top down and all of them continued to play like the boys they were.

Could they not see me? Did they not notice me? I went up to them, getting a better look. They all looked the same, had to been triplets. They had to be. Wait triplets...this can't be random can it?

From the opposite side of where the boys came from was a person. They held a gun. The man held the gun up pointing it at the boys. The boys immediately were scared.

"Now we can make this easy or hard you freaks! I will kill your mommy and daddy if you don't come quietly" the man waved the gun towards a cage, which I'm now noticing was guarded by two more people with guns.

"Our daddy can kill you! He is big and strong!" My heart hurt looking at the scene.

One of the boys screamed at the man with the gun taking a step forward in front of the other boys. Oh...this isn't a coincidence. That's little Noah. The man only laughed at him trying to protect his brothers and cocked the gun back. It made Noah cower immediately.

"Please mister! Take me. Take me instead of them and don't hurt mommy and daddy" little Damien.

The man only laughed. He grabbed him by the hair, little Damien had gotten to close. Then he held the gun to his head. Little Damien kept a brave face on, he wasn't willing to give up.

"Get in the cage freaks!" The man yelled.

The other little boy, Liam ran in first. Noah then cautiously went in. They shut the cage close they didn't make Damien go in. The human still held him by his hair.

"Now you are special...aren't you boy?" Damien glared, keeping his straight face. "Load them up and contact their father. We have to have a little agreement"

The scene blacked out and I was back in the cold cell. I gasped feeling like I just lost air. What the hell was that? How does that even happen?

I glanced around to find him sleeping on the other side of the bars. The King was still here. Did I jump into his dream? Is that even possible?

I groaned attempting to get up. Come on Claire. Get up. I got onto my hands and knees, then got to just my knees. Then to my feet. I stumbled lightly to the bars. I almost fell so my first instinct was to grab the bars. Horrible mistake.

I yelped as it felt like acid was eating away the palms of my hands. I let go falling down to the ground and stared at my hands.

"The bars are made of're turning meaning that it hurts you a lot more than it hurts me" he mumbled, rubbing his eyes as he woke up. I laid there in defeat. 

"Why did I see your...dream?" I was out of breathe. I'm just waiting for night to come, when the real test of strength needs to come in.

"Shit. I didn't mean to do that. It's the mate bond at its finest" his head tilted over towards me.

"What happens tonight..." he adjusted his sitting position, reaching his hand through the bars just to move the hair out of my face. It was a kind gesture, he was showing a bit of affection.

"You will complete the shift for the whole night. I will turn into my wolf as well just to make sure you stay dominant and don't go insane" I gulped down the soreness in my throat.

"I-I'm scared..." I let the tears fall again.

I've never been this truly afraid for my own well being ever. This is happening and there is nothing I can or anyone else can do to stop it.

"I know my love...I know" I let out a sob hearing it was Liam. He continued to remove the rest of my hair off of my sweaty face as he attempted to comfort me from behind bars.

"After this everything will be fine. I promise. Trust me please"

"Liam...don't leave me alone. If I die I want you to hold me for one last time..." then his face had guilt drawn all over it.

"I can't. This is for both of our safety. I have to wait until you shift" I felt like I was going crazy.

Him being at the other side of the bars while I could possibly die was making me go crazy.

"Please Liam...Liam please" he didn't respond.

He was staring behind me. The tiny sliver in the cell that revealed the outside. The sky was almost completely dark. Then he got up, his touch leaving me.

"I'm letting Damien take control. Survive Claire. Please for me...don't let go too early" he said suddenly.

I looked at him in such confusion but then felt it. The skin at my back was starting to turn. He started to back away, going to the farthest wall from me.

"No...No!" I screamed as the bones were beginning to break.

They were beginning to break quickly. Quicker than usual. First the back then the arm and my legs. It sent me to all fours the pain was excruciating. I felt my eyes burn, my vision looked as if it was glitching.

It kept flashing, the details of the room becoming more clear and then blurring. I held my ears, feeling them begin to throb. A pinging noise blaring through my head. I couldn't even hear my own screams over the loud pitch.

More bones began to snap and break leaving my body distorted. I'm going to kill Damien after this. He did this to me. He is putting me through all this pain. Now he isn't even helping me?! He remained at the wall, a look of guilt washing over his face.

My arms and legs began to sting as if melted silver was poured all along on my skin. I let another scream rip out and I stared at my arms. Hair. Not normal hair that any human would have on their skin but actual beast hair.

It began to grow, shredding through my skin. It hurt so much. So much. My bones were starting to lock in place, stiffening up as I continued to turn.

Once I completed my shift, my beast stood there. My beast stood there and stared at Axel, who had now made his presence known. I don't know what happened after that though. I completely blacked out. Well I did for that matter.....

Guess that means I'm a werewolf now. That's just great.

Human She Was {UNDER CONSTRUCTION}Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang