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Ten: Stay

My right hand was held high, fingers clenched into a fist as I prepared to bang my knuckles into the wooden door. I use to knock on this door all the time. Multiple days a week even. Now, just the sight of the door makes my stomach twist and a familiar feeling of nerves rattle through me.

My left hand was gripping the jacket that had brought me here in the first place. The jacket that Jace had pretty much forced me to wear the other day. I hadn't even realized I was still wearing it when I stomped off, but when I finally left Tyler's house this morning, I knew I better return it.

If my timing is right, Jace should be at work still, leaving only Kristen for me to return the article of clothing too. I had already preplanned what I was gonna say. The only thing left to do now was to knock on the door.

I ignored the fear and anxiety that was beginning to overwhelm me for no reason and knocked on the door. It hadn't even been a good ten seconds before the door was yanked open and Kristen's small, petite frame stood in the door way.

I could tell she was shocked to see me. Her eyes grew larger behind the black framed glasses she was wearing, and her thin lips were left ajar.

"Octavia!" She cheers, bringing me in for a hug.

I hug her back and smile.

Kristen is always loving and welcoming. She's one of the nicest people I've ever met. It makes me wonder how she's put up with an asshole like Jace for so long.

"It's been so long since I seen you! What are you doing here?" She asks me.

I hold the jacket up and she sees it, but I don't think she recognizes it just yet.

"Jace left his jacket at Diva's the other day and I managed to snag it before anyone else did. Thought I'd return it while I was out of the house," I lie.

I'm sure Kristen wouldn't have cared that Jace lended me his jacket, but girls could be crazy sometime. Kristen has always been understanding of mine and Jace's friendship, but I felt it was better to stay on the safe side.

"Come inside?" Kristen asks.

I hadn't originally planned on staying long, but it's hard to say no to Kristen. We've been friends for such a long time and I honestly missed her.

Kristen stepped back into the small apartment Jace and her shared, and I walked in.

Things haven't changed much since the last time I was here. Their apartment was smaller than Haley's and I. Kristen always said a lot of space is unnecessary since it's only her and Jace and their cat, Oscar.

Jace absolutely hated Oscar and it was pretty funny to see them interact together. Anything Oscar did annoyed Jace, and he threatened Oscar many times with them getting a dog.

I knew Kristen would never let them get a dog. She hated them and said they smelled bad. I think a dog is the kind of joy and commotion that Kristen needed in her life. Everything was too routine for her.

I sat the jacket down on the arm of the tan sofa, then sat down in the cushion beside it. Kristen sat down on the opposite end of the sectional, a cup of coffee in her hand.

"It's been so long hasn't it?" She asks, probably remembering how she doesn't come out anymore.

"I think two months, maybe. It's been a while. How come you never come out?" I ask her.

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