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Thirteen: Kill Will

Scanning the dresses in my closet, I felt defeated. I had no idea what to wear, nor did I even know what the exact plans were. Haley told me to dress semi-formal, but I hardly had anything semi-formal.

My hands stop at a maroon dress. It was probably the fanciest thing I owned. I wore it to a friends wedding a few years back and it looked quite well on me. It is a high-low dress where the back hits right at the back of my knees and the front came down to mid thigh.

I always hated high-low dresses, but this one was different. I think maybe the shortness of it appealed to me, or maybe it was off shoulder part of it. I always had a think for off the shoulder dresses.

Too bad schools thought shoulders were a sin; I would have dresses way cuter in high school.

I quickly changed out of my clothes and put the dress on over top of my body. I had already did my hair in loose curls, which paired well with the style of the dress. I decided on black heels and a black clutch purse to match with the dress.

Lastly, I take out the silver heart necklace Tyler had given me and put it around my neck, smiling in the mirror at how it looked on me.

When I walk outside my bedroom, I find Will already sitting on the couch, his feet propped up on the coffee table with a remote in hand. He was watching a hockey game, a sport I definitely had zero interest in.

"Where's Haley?" I ask him, looking around the room to see her no where in sight.

"Getting ready. I don't know. Females always take decades to get ready," Will says, brushing me off as he watches the game.

It was odd to see Will dressed nicely. He looked more like Jace when he fixed his hair and actually changed out of his usual t shirt and jean attire. With his hair out of his eyes, you could see they were the same ice blue color as Jace's. Their faces were very similar in details, but facial structure wise Will has a rectangular, chubbier face.

I knew it killed Will to be the chubby one in the family. It always made me laugh how offended he got when Jace poked fun at him. Will always started the arguments, so he got what he deserved.

"Don't stress. I'm here," Haley says as she swings her bedroom door open, making a loud noise as the door hits the wall.

Both Will and I snap our heads to her direction, taking in her appearance.

My eyes immediately went to her dress. A soft blue color that had to be one of the prettiest colors I've ever seen.

The same color as Jace's eyes.

The dress is long sleeve with a floral lace design in the top. At the waist line, the dress switched to blue fabric and tulle that flowed down to her mid thigh. It looked absolutely beautiful on her.

Like mine, her hair was also in loose waves, though hers was worn over one shoulder to show off the hoop earrings she was wearing.

Will whistles loudly at Haley, making her cheeks grow red.

"Give us a spin, baby," Will shouts as he stands up from his seated position on the couch.

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