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Thirty-Five: Revenge and Romance

My hands tremble at my sides as my eyes scan the room, looking at the damage that filled my apartment. Slashes are cut through every piece of fabric furniture, while the wooden and metal frames have been smashed. Books were shredded, pictures were thrown to the ground, and all of mine and Haley's belonging were destroyed.

     The damage did not stop with the living room. In the kitchen, dishes were shattered and food was thrown everywhere, leaving behind a horrid smell. The bathrooms also hit, and contents covered the floor and walls.

     Whoever did this went as far as squeezing all contents out of the many bottles in the bathroom, leaving white stains all along the walls.

    My bedroom was the worst of all, having spray paint covering everything I own. My clothes had been torn, my makeup had been smashed, and the polaroids on my wall had a red spray paint over it, leaving the letter 'K' behind.

    This isn't a threat towards me. I believe Kensley is finished with the threats.

   This is an act of rage.

    This is an act to show me that I am messing with the wrong person.

     "You're filing a police report this time," Jace says as he walks around my destroyed room.

      I didn't have the energy to fight with him over it, nor did I really want to. I didn't want to do anything else to cause problems with Kensley, but at the same time he destroyed everything I own and some of Haley's belongings as well.

    "Everything's ruined," I whisper as my fingers trail across the spray painted pictures.

     I wanted to cry when my eyes reach the one of Tyler and I. I wanted to cry every time I looked at it and a lot of the time I did. I would let the tears fall down my cheeks as I sobbed over what once was.

    Almost two months later and I still can't bring myself to remove the picture.

     "You're coming with me to the rehearsal," Jace says to me, reaching for my hand to pull me out of the room.

"Jace, I'll be fine," I try to argue back.

"Fine? Someone broke into your apartment. What would have happened if you were home?"

"He knew I wouldn't be home," I defend, shrugging my shoulders.

"Doesn't that leave you scared? He knows when you'll be home and when you won't be. You aren't safe here," Jace fights me.

I can tell he is growing frustrated with me and I know I am being difficult, but I have good reason.

Lately, Jace has taken it upon himself to look after me. He doesn't leave my side and while I appreciate the care he has for me, I also need some space sometimes. We've had a routine where he stays with me a couple nights and then I stay with him.

Add that to the mix of us working together along with my returned self defense classes and the space is basically non existent.

I've been eager for Anthony's wedding even more than usual lately because I know I'll finally get some space away from Jace. Since he is a groomsmen, he has to be present for the rehearsal tonight and has to be up bright and early to be there for the wedding tomorrow.

"And do you really think I'll be any safer two floors up in your apartment?" I counter, snapping at him.

Jace's lips turn into a grim line and his eyes blink at me. It isn't the first time I've made Jace mad. We have had plenty of arguments before.

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