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Eighteen: Jealous

The sounds of voices laughing and chatting amongst themselves filled my ears along with engines of cars passing by. The sidewalks of downtown are crowded, surprising me for a Wednesday night. People pass by us in groups, nearly making Tyler and I have to walk in the road.

For a week night, a lot of people are out. It didn't bother me, though. I love seeing people out of their homes for once. The world is too big to sit inside all day.

Currently, Tyler and I have been walking through downtown, just talking and enjoying each other's company.

The temperature for a February evening is surprisingly warm, and that may be the reasoning for many people's sudden outdoor adventures. It was the reason for mine. There's no way I would be out here if it was as cold as usual.

Tyler and I ended up eating at Texas Roadhouse, and I was excited to treat him for once. I should have known I wouldn't have had the chance, because as soon as the check came Tyler snatched it and gave his card to our waitress.

After some scolding, he finally agreed to let me pay for dessert.

"Are you sure Simply Frozen is what you want?" I ask again, baffled at the fact he wants something cold in the middle of winter.

"Ice cream is year round. Doesn't matter the temperature," Tyler clarifies.

"Except it isn't ice cream. It's frozen yogurt," I remind him.

"It's the same thing," he defends.

"No, ice cream is made from cream while frozen yogurt is made from cultured milk," I inform.

"What the fuck is cultured milk?" Tyler asks, stopping dead in his tracks.

His sudden stop makes me stop as well, considering my arm is wrapped around his.

"I don't know, but frozen yogurt tastes good so it can't be that bad for you," I tell him.

Tyler does his thinking face, eyes squinted and bro's furrowed with his lips pushed more outwards.

We continue our walking, stopping right when we come to the entrance of Simply Frozen.

The outside of the store is different from the store fronts around it. With a pink painted exterior and letters in bright orange, it brought some color to the dull looking buildings around it. The inside matched the bubbly exterior, mixing white, green, pink, and orange colors together to give the room a more child like vibe.

Tyler opens the door for me and I walk in, noting the people sitting around two of the tables. One is a group of teenager girls, probably around fifteen or sixteen; the other a family with their three young kids.

I used to come here with my friends when I was around the girls ages. Simply Frozen has always been a go to place of mine when I craved something sweet.

The back wall of the room had at least thirty different self serve stations to get different flavored yogurt from. In front of the wall was a counter full of different toppings for the yogurt.

I think that was my favorite part. I had full choice of what I wanted and how much I wanted, and no matter what, the price would be the same.

I grab the medium sized cup and started filling it halfway with cake batter flavored yogurt. I then make my way to the topping bar, adding a heaping amount of whipped cream, then topped it off with some waffle cone pieces and cookie dough.

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