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3019, Zeus Space Center | Earth

Richard woke up groggily. He was sitting on a chair in an messy office. As he looked around, there were tables knocked down and papers on the floor. In front of him was a desk with a desktop monitor on top, which was broken as if someone punched it.

Then he realized that his hands were chained behind the backrest of the chair. He struggled to get himself free. But something caught his eye and made him stop. His anger came to the surface and yet he remained emotionless.

As if he knew that someone was watching, Richard said. "You were the man who punched me. You are the traitor."

The man frowned. "Yes. But now I will help you." He walked towards Richard.

But then Richard hissed in reply. "Don't. Even. Come. Close."

The man sighed. "I wasn't the man with the suitcase. I was only an actor."

"I still don't trust you."

"Of course you don't!" he suddenly exclaimed, catching Richard off guard. His voice echoed around the room. "I was controlled by some chip!"

He took a deep breath to calm himself down as he continued. "My family. . .My family was killed by these men with these chips. They were police officers from another country, I guess. I escaped but I was caught by this. . .guy with a robe. He placed this chip on my neck and that was what I remember.

"I couldn't remember how I got here or how I knocked you out. I wasn't a good fighter, but I was a good magician. By the way, I'm Adrian. My brother also survived, but. . ." He looked around. "where is he? What is this place? Why am I even here?"

Richard knew he was starting to panic. "Calm down. How are you not that evil?"

"The chip, I guess. I. . .um, I think I broke it," he replied, trying to find it. "It's around here somewhere. . ."

"Hold up. You said you broke it. How? And could you set me free?"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. Okay." Then he focused his magic on the magnetized chains. Magic swirled in his hands and went for the chains. He could almost feel the chains around the wrists of Richard. Very tight. Then he thought about breaking it, crunching it, and burning it.

Seconds followed and there was still no progress. He focused more and more magic. . . . Then he clenched his fist.

It broke. Then it crunched itself. And after that, fire sparked and burned the remnants into ashes.

Richard came to his aid as Adrian was about to collapse. He wheezed as soon as Richard helped him up.

"I'm fine. . ." Adrian gave a series of coughs. "It's sometimes like that. . . .Our magic drains our stamina. Naturally. . .it doesn't take that long for me to do such but. . .the chains are so tough. . ." Another cough.

"I'm sorry about earlier," Richard said.

Between coughs and wheezes, Adrain replied. "No problem. . . . But. . .I think I need. . .to rest."

Richard slowly laid him on the floor. Adrian slept, snoring. Richard smiled for a while, before it vanished. It looks like I missed a lot of stuff, he thought.

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