A note?

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A week has passed and the ambience around the house was still tense. Dad, Max and Robert stayed in Dad's study most of the time; meetings after meetings were held in private, me, Mom and Alex excluded. I barely met them twice at dinner this week, but the heavy aura around them didn't excite me for my queries.

Though I was born and raised in a mafia family, I was totally kept away from their dark world all my life; the same went with Mom and Alex. It was not that they were interested in it anyway. And nor was I. I myself wanted to do nothing with the mafia activities.

But in situations like these, I wanted to know what was happening around me. Only if they would let me. For my father and brother, I was too fragile and innocent to get myself tangled with the underworld issues.

And that's why I was currently standing next to the door of Dad's study. Another closed meeting was running inside and I was eager to know even some bits of the situation looming ominously over us.

Eavesdropping wasn't a great thing to do, but I had no choice.

And thankfully, unlike back in our farmhouse where we went to spend the weekend, there wasn't any soundproof system installed in this house. But their conversation still came out hushed due to the closed door, causing me to press my ear against it to get a better grip on their words.

"-gotta be kidding me! How did this happen, Robert? You couldn't even hold him for some days? He was our only source of getting information! How did he escape?!" Max bellowed. I could imagine his veins popping at the both sides of his temples, with his face crimson with rage.

"I don't know. When I got there, he was gone," Robert replied, his stable tone indicating that he was least swayed by Max's temper.

But who are they talking about?

"It's not good. We didn't get any information out of him yet. He could be a significant lead for us to reach him." Dad's voice was laced with disappointment. "What were the guards doing when he escaped? Why didn't they stop him?"

"Two guards who were watching over him, were found dead outside his cell. And the others didn't see anything. Nobody knows how he managed to get out."

A low gasp left my mouth. Dead? Someone killed them?

I knew I shouldn't be so shocked. People in this business died everyday. But still, when the thought of their families came into my mind, I couldn't help but feel the sympathy and sadness that washed over me. Guilty too, because somehow my own family was responsible for their death.

A silence fell over. Nobody said anything for a moment, until Max opened his mouth.

"Fuck! I can't believe this! One man who was a captive in our cell for a week, kills two guards alone and no one notices him? What kind of security is that you've hired!"

"I think someone helped him with it. Maybe someone from the security guards. Because he was too weak from days of endless torture. He can't take two guards down all alone."

"Do you have any idea who that could be? Any suspect?" Dad asked.

"No, not yet. But I found something near the bodies," Robert said, evoking curiosity in me as I pressed myself harder against the door.


"A note."

"A note? What note?" Dad's voice was full of uncertainty. "What did it say?"

Another silence fell inside for a moment.

"Robert, what did it say?" Max propelled.

My heart palpitated, waiting to know what was in that note.

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