A challenge

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Adrian's POV

The bitter sweet taste of the wine burned down my throat as I took another sip from the glass. It wasn't as strong as I preferred, but my regular one was too expensive and vintage for a bar to keep in their collection even if it was one of the most luxurious clubs of the city, so it was the best I could get here.

Wasting time on bars like these wasn't my thing, I'd rather scheme another strategy on my next project.

But taking at least a night off was profitable for a workaholic man like me to keep their head going. So I needed some relaxation at least once a week.

It was what Uncle Andrew believed. Thus he gave Liam, his son and my party lover cousin the responsibility to drag me here every Saturday night. To keep my head clear.

Well, at first it wasn't that bad. The drinks and girls were alright. But now it was getting old for me. I only got bored coming here.

A sigh left me.

I should've just stayed back at the office and worked. This coming week had an important conference and I needed to make some major decisions about it. It was a significant project for us and I had to trust an insignificant company with it.

Alexander Blake. An old friend of uncle Andrew. Due to some past help Andrew took from him, he wanted to return the favor now by giving him this certain project. And as much as I didn't like that old Blake, Andrew personally requested me to consider it.

I didn't give a shit about the world, but he was like a father figure to me. So much to my dislike, I agreed and gave Blake a chance. Though my eyes would always be on him. It was an important project, and I wouldn't tolerate any leniency with it.

"Want to get away from here? I know a place where we can be all alone and have some fun," a sultry voice whispered into my ear, a pair of hands roamed on my chest and back.

But for the upteenth time, I ignored her.

My phone blared on the bar counter.


My mother.

Reaching out, I cut the call and placed it back.

I didn't know why she even bothered to call when she was clearly aware of my rules. Only one meeting and conversation a week. No more. If she needed something, she could just inform John, my bodyguard about it and he would take care of it.

But for some reason she wanted more from me, more sweetness in our bitter relationship. Which I wouldn't tolerate. I knew her agenda behind it. But she wouldn't get what she wanted this time.

She did enough in the past.

"I promise, I can show you some real good times. All you have to do is leave this boring party and come with me." Her hot breath fanned my neck with her almost falling on my lap.

I turned to her slowly.

With strawberry blonde hair, catlike blue eyes, dark red plump lips, tall and killer body, she was an attractive woman. But her antics were too cheap and willing.

Turning away from her, I went back to my drink, bored. But she didn't seem to understand my disinterest as she started complaining, giving extra attention to her touches, too eager to open her legs for me. Her pungent perfume was now giving me a headache.

Placing the glass down, I threw her a sharp glance, causing her flinch and scatter away.

Women like her were like bees who peregrinated around money and power like honey. They would fall on your feet just to get your attention.

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