Alpha male

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Walking through the busy street, I let myself lose in the swarm of rushing people with little pink clouds of cotton candy melting into my mouth. The fresh morning breeze swayed my chestnut locks away from my shoulders as tender sunlight delicately kissed my skin.

My eyes roamed around, and I felt content in my heart. I felt ordinary. Just like the moving crowd around me. No guards breathing on my neck. No weapons surrounding me.

With a content smile stretched across my lips, I closed my eyes for a moment and drew in a fistful air of breath. But the smile slipped away from my lips as I stumbled on my legs due to a sudden collision against a hard chest.

Looking up, I found a pair of electric blue eyes peering down at my soul. And my heart palpitated beneath my chest at the intensity of them.

What's he doing here?

Suddenly, a black shadow passed beside me, pushing at my shoulder, causing me to turn around. I couldn't even comprehend the object at the person's hand that shone under the sun, before it went for my stomach.

Breath caught in my throat, my eyes widened in horror as the warm crimson liquid soaked my white shirt. My hands were also painted in red.

But the panic set in when I couldn't feel any pain. All I felt was numb.

My gaze fell on the vague figure clad in black coat.

Leaning in, he whispered into my ear.

"Hello, little one."

My heart stopped in my chest, a shiver of dread ran through my spine.

Little one?

No! No, no! It can't be! It can't be him! He is dead!

My hands went to grasp the figure, but he took steps back into the crowd, gradually vanishing into the air. My ardent eyes searched him among the swarm of people who seemed to be unaware of the blood in my hands and clothes.

Where did he go?

With shaky breath and weak knees, I took some step forward; my gaze still in search of him. And then my eyes fell on the person in black, standing at the side of the road with his back to me.

With bated breath, my hesitant legs approached him, and put a hand on his shoulder.

The sound of my slow heavy breaths echoed to my ears, as my eyes awaited for him to turn around.

And just as he angled his body to me, his face turning around, a splash of cold water hit my face causing me to jolt away.

And the next thing I knew, I was in the middle of my bed, panting and sweating, my hand wiping off the water of my eyes.

Hysterically glancing around the room, I found Alex standing there beside the bed with a glass in his hand, a frown set on his forehead.

"You okay?" The slight twitch at the side of his lips didn't go unnoticed by me despite his mask of concern.

I inhaled an unsteady breath, my heart still pounded down my ribcage.

It was just a dream. He is not here. He is dead. It wasn't real. Just a dream.

The cold water seeped through my t-shirt arising chilly goosebumps across my skin. Wiping my face, I scowled at him.

Don't show your fear.

"What the hell is wrong with you? What are you doing?"

He shrugged. "You should thank me, you know? I just saved you from dying in your dream."

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