rockabye •one

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_______MELODY'S CASTLE________
_______2 YEARS LATER________

The sounds of giggling and feet running down the hallways were heard by anyone. 3 year old Athena ran as fast as her tiny legs could carry her as her 16 year old mother, Princess Serena was chasing after her.

"Athena!" Serena yells after. She stops in the dining room to see a pair of tiny feet poking out from the table. Serena smiled and sneaked closer. "Where can she be?"

She heard Athena's faint giggle. Serena pulled the cloth from the table up and revealed Athena. Athena lets out a gasp and tried to run, but Serena caught her.

"Come on, no more playing. It's time for your music lessons." Serena says. Athena frowned and rested her head on her mother's shoulder.

"How about after your lesson we sneak into the kitchen and see where they've hid the cookies?"

"Yes!!" Athena agrees happily. Serena smiles and leads Athena to the music room. That's where Serena's sister-in-law, Louise was waiting. Athena bolted to Louise and allowed her to be picked up.

"Where have ya been, cariño?" Louise asks though her Spanish accent.

"Sorry we're late, this one decided to play a quick game of hide-and-seek before her lessons." Serena jokingly shifted the blame to Athena, which made her giggle.

"It's alright. You better go before your sister goes hunting for you. You know how precise she is." Louise teased about her wife.

"Excuse me, " All three turn their heads to see Melody crossing her arms against her chest. "Don't blame me for wanting to be on time."

"She was only joking, Melody." Serena says. Melody shakes her head and walks over.

"I know she was, but it's always me she jokes about."

"Then don't be so easy to." Louise fired back. Melody smiled and kissed her wife before looking at her niece.

"Don't you look pretty in your dress." Melody cooed. Athena smiled at the compliments.

"Mama let me pick it out. I am a princess!" Athena gasped as she raises her arms in excitement.

"Yes you are. Now we're going to leave the princess to her music lessons and your mama and I will be back later." Melody told Athena before grabbing Serena and dragging her away. Athena wiggled in Louise's arms and was let down. She ran to hug Serena's leg.

"Bye mama." Athena murmured against Serena's leg before running back to Louise and starting her lesson. Serena smiled and followed Melody to the study.

The sisters sat down at the desk across from each other and got to work. Serena opens up a fancy envelope with a royal seal on it. She reads it carefully and looks up.

"Here is an invitation to the Emperor of China's 84th birthday."

"Oh good, another party."Melody adds with sarcasm. Serena smiles.

"You don't have to go, I can always take your place in it."

"That's sweet, but I have to go after skipping the last four." Melody says. Serena opened up the next letter with a letter opener. Serena let's out a laugh.

"Look at that, another marriage proposal for one of the princes of the Southern Isles." Serena said, turning it  for Melody to have a look.

"Is that for you or me?" Melody asks.

"It says if you declined that they will ask me instead." Serena quotes from the letter.

"It's never stopped them before from asking." Melody murmured, not taking her eyes off the letter she reads. Takes when. Serena caught the frown on her sister's face.

"Melody, is something wrong?" Melody slammed the letter hard on the table. Serena jumps from surprise before reaching to grab the letter.

"It's from the Queen of Auradon. She's inviting us over for Family Day and Ben's coronation." Melody spat in angry. "Who does she think we are? Does she honesty believe that we have forgiven her family?"

Serena stayed silent. Didn't know what to say about any of this. It been so long since she has step foot in Auradon.

"Serena, " Serena looks at her sister who was now calmer. "You don't have to go. You have done well raising Athena by yourself." Melody jumps to conclusions.

"I know that what your saying is for mine and Athena's best interest...but Ben is her dad. What kind of mom would I be to keep her from knowing?"

"A good one. Serena, listen to me. Ben chose to not be part of Athena's life. Nothing he, his parents, or anyone else can say to let him back into your life.."

"He's already in my life. I know you're only trying to protect us, but it wouldn't hurt to try. Besides, perhaps it's a good idea to visit Auradon. It's been so long and I miss my friends."

"Are you sure about this?" Melody asks once more. Serena takes a deep breath and gives a nod.

Looks like they're going to Auradon.

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