rockabye •thirteen

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In a castle by the sea, Ariel held her granddaughter lovingly as they sat out in the terrace. Ariel, Athena, Serena, and Melody had a girl's day together.

"How are you and Louise?" Ariel asks her eldest daughter. Melody put down her cup of tea.

"Great." Melody says with a smile.

"Do you plan on giving me any grand-babies?" Ariel ask, having been baby crazy for a while and wanting to have more grandchildren for Athena to play with and for her to spoil.

"We have been talking to doctors all over Auradon and just haven't found the perfect donor." Melody says.

"I'm sure that whoever the donor is, my grand-kids will have all the love they need." Ariel says. Melody only sips her tea quietly. Melody looks at her sister and smiles.

"How is school, Serena? Have you adjusted to the new changes?" Melody asks.

"Yeah, everything is fine. Fairy Godmother had a room prepared for just Athena and I only, so no one to disturb someone's nap time." Serena says, talking specifically about Athena. Athena only bites her cookie and being distracted by how many chocolate chips are in it.

"I don't understood why you went back to Auradon Prep. All your tutors said you passed everything you needed." Ariel protests. She was not in favor of having Serena or Athena at Auradon Prep, so close to Belle, Adam, and Ben. She didn't want her babies to get hurt, Serena has already been through enough.

"It doesn't hurt to learn a few more things mom. Besides, Athena likes it there. Don't you, sweetie?" Serena asks Athena. Athena looks at her grandmother and nods.

"I made so many new friends. I get to see uncle Chad and auntie Ginny. I get to play with the puppy since mama won't let me have one." Athena pouts while crossing her arms. The women laughs at Athena's argue to have a pet of her own.

"Maybe when you're older." Serena says. Athena's eyes light up.

"Like tomorrow? I'll be a day older than today." Athena says. They all laugh and Ariel hugs her tightly.

"How did you get to be so smart?" Ariel cooed.

"Grandpa says it runs in the women of our family." Athena quotes. Ariel, Melody, and Serena laugh.

"Yes, it does." Melody agrees with Athena. Ariel looks back to her youngest daughter with a curious look.

"How have you and Chad been?" Ariel asks leaning in a little.

"Fine, I guess...why are you asking about Chad?" Serena asks. Why Chad specifically?

"Well, I was just wondering when the two of you will make it official." Ariel blurts out. Serena jumps back in surprise.

"Official? What official? He and I are just friends." Serena confesses to her mother and sister.

"I think Chad would be perfect for you. He's a prince and has been with you since even before you and Ben were together." Ariel states. She would love the idea of her youngest daughter with the son of Cinderella. Serena shakes her head in denial.

"Again, Chad and I are friends. Besides, he is dating Audrey."

"Haven't you seen how that poor boy has been in love with you for years?" Ariel questions. Serena shakes her head.

"He's not." Serena say.

"Yes, he is, sweetie."

"No, he's not. Please let's not talk about this anymore." Serena shuts down. Ariel nods in understanding way.


"It's been a fun day, but we better head back to the school." Serena says. She stands from her seat and Athena follows along. Athena kissed her grandma and Aunt goodbye and follows Serena, but not before taking a few more cookies.

Back in Auradon Prep, a new VK arrived unexpectedly and was now joining them. Mal and Evie showed Freddie Facilier, eldest daughter of Dr. Facilier. They arrived at the buffet table that was put out for lunch. At the same time, Serena and Athena had gotten back to the school and grab a few snacks from the table. Ben, Chad, and Audrey are at the table as well and picks out a few items. When Ben spotted Serena and Athena at the end of the table, he immediately walks over.

"Hey Serena, hi Athena." Ben greets and bends down to wave at Athena.

"Hi Ben." Athena says shyly, hiding behind Serena's leg. Serena just fills her plate with fruit and some pastries, ignoring Ben. Ben leaned in to talk to Serena.

"May I talk to you for just a moment? Alone?" Ben asks. Serena looks at him and sighs. She looks at Athena and points to where Audrey and Chad were standing.

"Why don't you go play with uncle Chad? Tell him about your day today." Athena nods and runs off. Serena continues to fill the plate as much.

"Mal told me that you didn't want her anywhere near Athena?" Ben says, knowing that Serena was listening.

"I didn't say that, I say I didn't want her near my daughter if she's going to perform magic." Serena corrects and points a baby carrot at Ben before taking a bite out of it.

"Mal wouldn't hurt her. There is nothing to worry about."

"When you become a father, you'll understand why I'm doing what I'm doing." Serena says, adding heart and star shaped fruit on a second plate.

"I already am one, remember." Ben says, slightly hurt that he isn't considered as Athena's dad.

"Really? Well you're a deadbeat one." Serena exclaims.

"And who's fault is that?" Ben snaps. Serena looks at him and throws the shaped fruit back in the bowl

"Does she know you're Athena's father?" Serena asks with a hand on her hip, talking about Mal. Ben face softened.

"I plan to tell her, it's just..."

"Just what, Ben? Just that you'll have to explain to her that you weren't actually in your child's life? Is that it?" Serena asks angrily.

"That isn't fair, Serena! You don't allow me to try and connect with Athena without having an excuse to leave." Ben exclaims, raising his voice in anger. Serena set the plate down.

"Don't you dare raise your voice at me. I am not the bad guy here. If I'm not allowing you to connect with her, it's because I do it to protect her. She may be young, but she's smart enough to understand that what I do is for her own good." Serena snaps. Ben shakes his head.

"Why does she need protecting from me? Her own father? I would never hurt her." Ben tells her. Serena was now the one to shake her head and picks up the plate.

"I'm not going to argue with you right now." Serena says and walks away to join Chad and Audrey. Ben stared after her and saw Chad holding Athena in his arms. Athena wasn't shy with the other like she was with him and that hurt him.


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