rockabye •twenty

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Mal stood outside the door in shock. She did half expect Serena to shut the door in her face, but it still surprised her. She backs away slowly, hoping Serena would open the door and give her the answer she wanted to hear, but no such thing came to happen. Mal held tightly to the plate of cookies in her arms and quickly walked away. She grabbed a cookie and took an angry bite out of it.

Now what? She thought. She walked back to her room. When she turned the corner, she saw Ben standing outside the door and knocking. Mal puts on a smile and walks over. Ben turns his head at the sound of footsteps coming towards him and smiles when he sees Mal and a plate of cookies.

"Hey." Mal greets her boyfriend. Ben wraps his arms around her.

"I thought you were inside."

"Were you here long?" Mal asks.

"No, just a few minutes." Ben answers. He grabs a cookie from the plate and bites off half.

"Mmmm, they're good, but I like your walnut ones better." Ben says and shoves the other half of the cookie in his mouth. Mal hands the plate over to his and opens the door. Ben followed and sat down on her bed.

"What's the occasion for cookies?" Ben asks and ate another cookie. Mal looks at Evie's designs, not wanting to look at Ben.

"Just wanted to do a little baking." Mal lies. Ben didn't question her and decided to believe her word.

"These are delicious, my dad would love these and mom would try to stop him from eating them all." Ben jokes as he goes to take another cookie. Mal makes a mental note to make cookies whenever she goes to visit Ben's parents. Maybe at a... DINNER!

Mal looks at Ben and smiles with a new idea in her head.

"That's it." Mal says to herself. She smiles at her newly formed plan and jumps up and down. Ben looks at her confused.


"That's it!" Mal exclaims in excitement. A dinner. For the two families who aren't on good terms. If she could fix that then no one will ever say anything bad about her again. Mal turns to Ben and smiles before sitting next to him.

"Everything alright?" Ben asks.

"We should host a dinner. You, me, your parents, amongst other people... I want to get to know your parents more and we can all spend time together." Mal says. Yes, getting to know your parents as well as Serena's.

"That sounds like a great idea, Mal." Ben agrees happily. He was happy to see Mal smile, especially with what has been written on the papers lately.

"We can invite our friends too, your parents, Serena and her parents, Athena, Fairy Godmot—"

"Wait——Ariel and Eric?" Ben cuts her off. Mal stopped talking to take in Ben's reaction. She smiles.

"Yeah. I think we should try to get along with them. It would benefit your family, you especially." Mal exclaiming.

"How...?" Ben asks. Mal rolls her eyes playfully

"Athena, silly. If they were on good terms with you, you get to see Athena more often and finally tell her you're her father." Mal walks over and places her hand on his. "I think it's time to bury the hatchet between the parents. This would be such a great opportunity."

"I— Mal, I know you have good intentions about this, but I think I should let Serena handle the situation between us. I can't force her to tell Athena I'm her father." Ben says. He didn't want to ruin the tiniest bit of friendship he was trying to save with Serena. He doesn't want to provoke her and have her take Athena away.

Then again, Serena isn't cold-hearted, she wouldn't be it, but the tiniest bit of doubt was planted in Ben's mind.

Mal rolls her eyes.

"Ben, please. How long do you think Serena would wait for? Until Athena is in her teens? By then, there will be no way for you to bond because she won't see you as a father." Mal spoke. Ben sorta understood what she was meaning. So much waiting, Athena would have already seen him as more of a stranger rather than her dad.

He wanted a bond between them. He wanted Athena to know both sides of her family. Ben had witness his mother, Belle, weep when the birthday present they had sent for Athena's first birthday was returned unopen, unwanted.

Finally, Ben nods.

"You're right, Mal. If I wait for Serena, I might never know my daughter." He agrees. He agrees for his mother. He agrees for his father. He agrees for himself. Mal smiles and wraps her arms around his neck.

"Great! I'll have invitations sent out. This will be wonderful." Mal lets go and quickly leaves her dorm to find Evie and tell her the plan.

Oh, how bad could it possibly turn out? Both, Mal and Ben, think to themselves.





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