rockabye •three

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The limo stopped just outside the entrance of Auradon Prep. Serena looked out the window to see the same old school. She looks over at Athena who was still sleeping and shook her lightly.

"Time to wake up." Serena whispers softly. Athena covers her face and pushes the hand away.

"No, mama." Athena whines through her covered face.

"But we're here. Don't you have to see grandma and grandpa?" Serena teased. That's how Athena bolted up with a tired smile.

"Grandma and grandpa? Where?"

"Just inside the school. Come on." Serena says. Athena brushes her hair out of her face and scoots closer to the door. Serena looks at Melody and Louise.

"You coming too?" Serena asks.

"I'll meet you in there. You go find mom and dad. I have some busy to attend to." Melody informs her sister. Louise taps on the limo window.

"I'll go with you girls. Gives me a chance to see what Auradon was like." Then the door opens. Serena went out first and helping Athena out. She held Athena's hand as they walk towards the entrance. They saw the sign saying, Family Day. They made their way to the field. As they got closer, they could hear the music playing. Athena bolted away from Serena and ran towards the music. Serena ran after her to stop her. Finally outside they saw families all gathered. Louise caught up to them and smiled.

"How about I take Athena and find some snacks and you go find your parents?" Louise asked Serena. Serena looked down at Athena who was trying to break for again. She nods and lets Louise take Athena. Athena gladly went with Louise.

Serena found herself wandering around aimlessly. She saw the way people looked at her, remembering how she was. Without looking, she bumps into someone .

"I'm so sorry." Serena apologized immediately. The people turned around to yell at whoever knocked her down, but then saw who it was.


"Ginny?" Serena got a good look at the girl. Her best friend, Ginny Darling. Best friends since pre-school, Ginny was the kind of person you who need in a friend. She was one of many to stand by Serena's side when she was pregnant. That what got her the role at godmother to Athena. She was there for every birthday, Christmas (not exactly wanting to spend it with her own family), Thanksgiving, you name it.

"What are you doing here?" Ginny asks in surprise and happiness. She attacked Serena in a hug, before looking around, mostly at the ground. "Where is Athena?"

"With Louise. We were invited to Family Day and the Coronation, though I doubt I'll be staying for that." Serena said under her breath. Ginny shakes her head, before pulling the girl into another hug.

"I've missed you. Chad is going to be so happy to see you."

"I've missed you too. I'll find Chad later."

"Unless he finds you first." Both girls turn around to see Chad Charming and in his arms was Athena, eating a cookie. Chad were a handsome smile looking at Serena. Ginny jumped right in and snatched Athena into her arms.

"Hi, stinker-bug." Ginny greets the little girl with kisses on the forehead. Athena giggles as Ginny spins her around. Serena looks back at Chad, only to be picked up and spun around as well.

"Chad, put me down." Serena squealed. People turned around to see what was happening, but Chad had decided finally pull her down on the ground.

Chad Charming. How do you begin to describe him? He can be considered underhanded and close-minded, an arrogant jerk and a bully, but that's not how Serena knew him. She knew him better. Yes, she must admit that he is all those things way other describe him, but Chad is different. He, along with Ginny, were there for Serena. Chad even went out of his way to go and punch Ben in the face. Of course, they patched things up, but it was still a sore point.

Chad was made godfather to Athena and he was a hell of a great one. Chad would send presents, visit, call every other week. He was dedicated.

"It's a surprise you're here—a good surprise. I'm glad you're here." Chad stutters before adding a goofy smile.

"I'm happy to see you too." Serena says. Her eyes trailed behind him to see a girl with... blue hair? She was holding the school mascot, Dude. Dude suddenly jumps out of her arms and runs over to Serena.

"Doggy!" Athena shouts. She caught the attention of many people. "Look mama, a doggy." Athena points to Dude, ho was now picked up by Chad. He brought Dude closer to Athena to let her pet him. Serena smiles and rubs Dude's head with affection.

But good things never last, just as bad things never stay away.

"Serena?" She froze and turns around.

"Hi, Ben."

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