I Hate Her, I Hate Him

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Juniper POV

Too soon for my liking, I saw him.
I was in a black room, tied up with chains to an iron chair. In the middle of it all, he was there. It was like he was in the spotlight, which is pretty accurate.
He always wore a black tux with a black tie, black gloves and a black hat. His face was hidden, every time I tried to look at it to decipher his identity, I failed. It was like seeing through black smoke. Just when I thought I had figured out his face, it would all distortionate, leaving me with no new knowledge.

He came close to me and stroked my cheek, I immediately jerked away from his touch.

He laughed and said "When will you ever accept me, my oh so beautiful krissy?"

"Dont call me that, you asshole" I spat at him.

Krissy, he had called me that since the first time I saw him. Its a nickname that I've heard before, every time I hear it it tugs on the deepest and darkest corners of my mind. Wild guess: it has to do with one of the many, MANY memories I have repressed.

His voice is muffled, clear enough to understand but hard enough to identify.

Oh, and enough to piss a girl off,
AKA, yours truly.

"I see what's been on your mind" he says, bringing me out of my thoughts, circling around me.

I scoffed " Enlighten me." I said as I tugged on the chains. I knew I couldin't get free that easily but hey, worth a try.

"Your wondering about who am I, your thinking hard of your memories. I have told you that you are not to think about this. You know this alredy" he kneels infront of me, lifting my chin so I can face his black smoky silhouette of a face.

"What have I taught you, my sweet darling baby Krissy?"

I feel myself getting dizzy, surrendering to the darkness. This is what he always does to make me give in, to make me say what he wants to hear and to make me do what he wants to see. He is like a puppeteer.
And I am his favorite puppet.

I stare at him and say in an emotionless voice "Live the lie until it becomes your life."

He spoke and I heard a smile in his voice as he said "Well done darling. Now I will let you sleep but I will offer you a gift: since you have behaved so nicely, you may ask me any question you like. The condition is the same as before."

He had been playing a game lately, a puzzled one. At the end of the night, when he would let me go and our chats were over, he would tell me to ask him a question. The condition is that I coudin't ask what was his name, I could never, ever, speak of his name.

"Who are you?" I said, my words slurred by the darkness that seemed to pin me everywhere.

"Oh silly girl, what a waste of a question. " he took out from his pocket a single silver key. He unlocked the lock in my chains. I stood up, immediately getting dizzy. I wobbled around until my gaze landed on a bright light, big enough for a giant to fit in. It was a door, my way out of this... whatever it is.
When I was close to the door, I turned to see him looking at me.

"Will you answer my question?" I said.

He snickered "Who am I?" He said
"Im your worst nightmare."

And with that, he dissapeard. In his place, a bunch of silhouettes appeard, their black fingers reaching for me. I looked up front to see the door suddenly far away. I started to run, fast. It was like my feet were stuck to the ground, like I was running in the same place, making no progress whasoever. I was no closer to the door but the shadows were close to me.

Somehow, in a blink of an eye, I managed to reach the door and go right through it. I barely saw a second of light.
Then everything went black.
I felt pressure being applied to both my arms and I screamed as it became too much.

I kicked and screamed and hissed, all to no avail.

"STOP, STOP PLEASE IM BEGGING YOU!" I shouted to the void. Voices screamed my name, calling me, drawing me in...

I suddenly sat up on my bed, noticing my mother sitting next to me, a look of anguish on her face.
"Honey, it was just a dream. Its ok, your okay." She cooed to me, wiping the strands of hair that were stuck to my forehead. I was sweating, I was crying, I was a complete mess.

I winced as my mother touched my arms and I winced, pulling away fast. "What's wrong hun?" She asked gently.

I didin't answer. I was too distracted by the pain in my arms. I pulled up my sleeves and looked at my arms. My mom gasped in horror but all I could do was stare in shock. Purple and black bruises decorated my arm's like a sleeve tattoo. The were also half moons, nail marks on my wrists.

I stood up and walked to my vanity mirror. My reflection was horrifying.

A girl with red hair and brown eyes, wearing black sweats and a green long sleeve T-shirt, stares back. Her face was all wet, a mixture of sweat and tears. She looked so fragile, so weak, and so very much broken.

I hate what I see. I hate her.
I hate her.
I hate her.
I fucking hate her.
I hate him
I hate the man in my dreams for creating and bringing to life this version of me.

The dizziness came back at full force. I swayed for a minute, touching my head slightly. I felt my eyelids drop as I fell to the floor, hard. The last thing I heard was my mother, shouting my name. Then everything went black.



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