A Bittersweet Ending

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Juniper POV

"Hey Juniper." Annabelle greeted, standing beside me with her tray. She then glanced at Madeline, almost nerveously. "And hello to you, ummmmm Mackenzie?"

"Madelane." My best friend corrected, offering Annabelle a smile.

"Got it. Is this seat taken?" Annabelle asked, refeering to the empty chair opposite to Maddy and me.

"Please. Who would want to hang out with two anti-social bitches? Have a seat Anna." I said smiling. Anna looked at Maddy for a second and I said "Oh don't worry, the only thing she'll be biting is that piece of hashbrown. Then she will most likely eat mine so I suggest you eat yours while the beast is distracted." Madelane's head shot up and she gave me an angry glare.

"Why you-"

"Stay put doggie, or else no treat for you." I said to her. She pouted and crossed her arms over her chest. She looked like grumpy from snow white. What was the whole point of that? Don't ask me, we're really random.

Anna sat on the chair laughing her head off at our silliness.

"So I get that you guys hit it off instantly?" Anna asked as she took a sip from her orange juice.

Madelane responded for me since I was too engrossed in my food. Seriously, this was like a buffet! This beat the school and normal hospital foods. In plain English, It was seriously delicious. Today we were having scrambled eggs with two pieces of hashbrown and pancakes on the side. I mean, what kind of hospital gave us that?!

"Were best friends, we've known each other for a while. When I found out I was stuck with this idiot as my roomate, I honestly coudint believe my odds. I mean, the same hospital and room?" Mads said.

"Like what the hell? Your mad lucky. " Anna agreed.

We ate in comfortable silence.

I finished first, and Maddy surprisingly let me eat my piece of hashbrown.

"Lets play twenty questions." I said thumping my fingers on the table. The cafeteria was busy, big and crouded. We were seated close to the window, overlooking the building and the tree's.

"How old are you?" Maddy promped.
"16" Anna and I answerd.
"Same." Maddy answerd with a grin.

"Ok. Why are you here?" Anna said next. She knew my reason, she was just discretely trying to find Madelane's reason.

"Skitzofrenia and psychosis." I answered anyway.

"Anorexia and they also have me labeled under attempt at suicide." Maddy answered next.

Anna's eyes went wide.
"You binge?" She blurted before covering her mouth with her hand and shutting her eyes tightly.

"I did not just say that." She murmured and Maddy laughed softly.

"Its okay! Dont worry. And yes, I do. Did. Can't really do that here. Plus like I said, they have me on watch."

"For what its worth, I'm also on suicide watch or something like that. Severe depression." Anna said.

"Favorite color." I asked.


We basically did that the whole time we were in the cafeteria, and when we went downstairs back to the dorms. They also gave us our morning medication. After that, we had half an hour before we started group therapy so everyone just roamed around and talked. I got to meet other girls too: Linsday who had red fire hair and a small scar on her neck, Sasha who was black and totally guetto, Tatiana who reached my hip and everyone called her tiny T, as well some other girls. Annabell, Madeline and I stuck together like glue and eventually we separated from the rest and sat in the corner of the hallway. We continued our trivia, wanting to know as much about each other as we could.  We were laughing about how Anna wished she was the Anna from Frozen when a nurse called my name.

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