Twisted Reality

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"JUNIPER, YOUR GOING TO BE LATE!" Aunt G yelled at me.

"I KNOW! I yelled back, finishing up my make up. Dark eyeliner, mascara, black smokey eye and a dark red, black with a hint of rose, shade of lipstick. I didn't know why, but I was feeling... dark.
I liked the feeling.

I had straightened my hair and I had to be honest, for a girl who didint think so highly of herself, I looked good.

I grabbed my headphones, slipped my phone in my back pocket, slung my camo printed backpack over my shoulder and made my way out of my room. I didin't bother wearing a jacket. Spring had finally come and the snow had almost dissapeard. It was the last day of February, the last "cold" day.
Thank God, I was tired of seeing the so called "frat boy's" flex they're oh-so-expensive sherpas.

Hello? Reality check, we're still junior's, 11th grade. I can't stand the guys and there Im-going-to-eat-the-world or there I-can-get-any-girl-I-want-cause-I-have-a-pretty-face attitude.

"Juniper, you know your very, very late." Aunt G remindes ms as she grabbed her key's and headed outside with me following right behind.

"Chill. I'll make it before the warning bell." I said as we got in the car and drove to school.

I rolled my window down and felt the fresh morning breeze on my face, sighing in content. The ice was still melting, everything was wet but the sky was a beautiful shade of orange, like the sun had just risen. It helped boost my mood more, for some reason.

"I'm leaving to visit Mary at the hospital. I wont be back till later tonight, there's leftovers in the fridge so you don't have to cook. " Aunt G said.

"Is Mary okay? " I asked. I haven't seen her since I dont even know when, its been years. And she's supposed to be my Aunt! My father has five sisters and out of all of them, I only know Aunt G.

"Don't know, the doctor's gave her two month's but looks like her times up." She said, shrugging.

I nodded.
"Tell her I said hi, although I don't think she remembers me."

Aunt G just laughed.

In other unrelated news and incase you were wondering, after I read my dad's journal last night, I fell asleep and woke up at 7:45am. As I was getting ready, I decided that I wasen't going to stay at home, I wasen't going to be depressed anymore.

My father made it his mission to leave me something so I could end this crazy shit once and for all. He died thinking of me and making sure I'd have a bright future. I can't waste my life being depressed or hiding from my problems by locking myself up in my room.

I have enough problems at the moment, but I'll try and worry about them when the time comes. One step at a time. For now, I wont give up, I'll keep on going. My father dosen't want to see me quit and I wont. I'm going to start living my life, for real this time.

"So, back to black. " Aunt G commented, regarding my choice of outfit.

"Yeah. Truth to be told, I like these type of clothes and the color. It makes me feel... myself. It makes me feel happy, believe it or not. Being emo is just who I am. Its a phase, so I'm going to enjoy it all I can." I said, staring and waiting for her to tell me off or scold me.

Instead, she smiled.
"I'm proud of you kiddo. It's good to see you staying true to yourself, embracing who you are and not letting anybody change that. " she said proudly.

"So, your not mad? Your not going to ask me to change?" I asked as we pulled up infront of the school gate's.

"Juniper, if this is who you are, I will accept that. Im not going to force you to be something your not. Your still my sweet, little niece. I'll still love you, no matter what." She said and I smiled.

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