Getting Answers

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Juniper POV

I felt free as we made our way through the forest, enyoing the cold breeze that was ruffling my hair.

Me and Aunt G rode side by side, me on Nightingale and her on Buttercup, her reddish brown stallion.
I eventually took the lead, riding faster and faster by the second.
Nightingale's hooves thundered down the trail.

Training her wasen't easy. I remember it took months of practice until we could decently ride. At first, it was hard because I was so new to the equestrian world but once I took Nightingale for some laps  around the ranch, I completely fell in love with it. I felt a connection with this horse, one that I could never feel for any other animal.

Eventually, we reached the peek of the rocky mountain. I dismounted and held Nightingale by her rains, taking in the sight before me.
The sun was starting to hide behind the clouds. A swirl of colors decorated the sky, a nearby water fall was heard in the distance, the mountain chains seemed to go on infinitly and the sound of nature filled my ears, making me sigh in content.

I tied the rains tightly to a nearby tree and grabbed an apple from the bag I had on the saddle, giving it to Nightingale who wasted no time in taking a huge bite. I then went and stood at the very edge, taking everything in.

"I forgot how much I missed this. The joy of riding, feeling free, roaming around, sightseeing." I said aloud.

"You haven't missed much. Same old, same old." Aunt G said as she came to sit beside me.

I shook my head "Not for me. We always seem to find something new, discover a place, not to mention I will never get accustomed to the view." I sighed in content.
"Up here, nothing can get to me, nothing can touch me. Im truly invincible." I smiled as we both sat down.

Aunt G touched my knee.
"You may have grown up into a beautiful young woman but in my eyes you will always be that crazy 7 year old who begged me to teach her how to ride." She said warmly and I laughed.

We sat there in silence for a moment, enjoying everything.

"So I hate to be a thorn on your side, but I have a feeling there's more going on with you than meets the eye." Aunt G said.

I sighed and turned to her.
"Did you know I had a brother?" I asked.

She nodded, looking guilty.
"Your mom thought it was best if we didin't remind you of him, we didin't want to cause you sadness, not after you got back on your feet. After we buried the empty coffin, you were never the same. Months passed and you had hardly changed. One day, your parents sat down with you and asked if it was about him, your brother. You said that you didin't know what they were talking about, that you were an only child. That's when we discoverd the gaps in your memory."

"Why wont anybody tell me his name? I deserve to know." I said as I ran my hand through my hair.

"Well, that's because nobody knows. The only one who knew was your father."

I looked at her and raised an eyebrow.
"Your kidding." I said and she shook her head.

"That's impossible. Mom was, well his mother! How can she not know? How could my father not tell her?" I asked. I coudint believe any of this.

"Your mother named him Toby, but your father didin't like it, so he changed it. He was in denial and refused to share his son's name with anybody."

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