Chapter 7: Jumping Through Windows

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Chapter 7

"This would be where you stay from now on." Thane said as I walked into the gargantuan bedroom. It was the same room I was in when I awoke after Thane had me knocked out. It was his. I knew it was from the spicy forest scent that evaded the entire space.

I just stared at him. What happened out there wasn't normal. Those creatures weren't regular wolves, they were larger and fiercer and they held this human nature to them. I knew that they came looking for me. He sent them. The Beast.

"There are fresh clothes in the closet through the door on your right and to the left is the bathroom. I have some business to attend to. I will send someone up to keep you company." He told me as he looked at me wearily. "Would you be alright by yourself?" He asked as he approached me.

Still shaken up I automatically took a few steps backwards until the back of my knees hit the king sized bed.

"Yeah I'm fine." I muttered with a hoarse throat.

He looked guilty for leaving me alone as he turned back one more time to look at me before shutting the door behind him, leaving me in the unfamiliar room.

When I heard his footsteps dwindle away from my hearing, I quickly started rummaging through the room for any sort of communication device that can help me get in contact with my family.

I checked the nightstands, the cupboards, and the bookshelf and even through the sofas. There was nothing. Not a phone or laptop in sight.

I sat down on the bed and sigh. When did my life become this complicated?

Looking around the room I took inventory of everything. The room had a really rustic theme to it and it felt like home.

No. Snap out of it Emery, this isn't your home.

Besides the impressive fireplace I looked at all the exits. That was most important at the moment. On the opposite side of the bed was the sofas which was surrounded by large towering windows and to the right of the bed was a pair of French doors that lead onto a balcony.

I sauntered over towards the windows and opened it to see how high up I was. Looking through the window I now realized why that was a bad idea. Besides being three floors high, I was immensely afraid of heights.

"You're not planning on jumping are you?" I was startled by the sudden questioning of a woman's voice that I nearly fell out the open window.

"Holy shit you scared the living daylights out of me!" I said exasperated as I threw my hands up in the air.

I turned around to face a girl that looked about my age. She was a blonde haired, blue eyed southern belle.

"Aww did I scare you out of your pants?" She asked sarcastically.

"More like made me crap myself...." I muttered but her hearing must be great because she laughed it off.

"Alpha didn't tell me you were a comedian but I can tell we're going to get along very well." She told me.

"Who the hell is alpha?" I asked. I felt as if every minute I'm stuck here I get more confused. That stupid brute of an animal just had to kidnap me, but to be honest he's no better than the beast itself.

"Ohhh", she drawled out, "you two didn't have the talk yet did you?" Her expression showed anxiousness as if she said something she wasn't supposed to.

"If by the talk you mean the 'birds and the bees' talk, then yep I know what it is or at least enough to make me want to barf." I made a nauseous face to get my point across, "Still don't understand why that have anything to do with my situation."

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