Chapter 21: Exiled

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Chapter 21

While the bartender helped clean my wounds, I could already feel myself healing as the bleeding stopped but the pain was still prominent.

Before I realized what was happening, Caroline escaped Bailey's grip and ran towards Abigail and sent a punch so hard I heard a cracking noise and she was out cold.

"See, all this could have been prevented if you just let me hit her when I met her." Caroline sighed and approached me. "Let me help you." Before I understood what she meant, she grabbed my nose between her thumb and forefinger and twisted it back into place.

"Oh, fuck that hurt!" I gasped in pain and covered my nose.

Caroline just grinned at me, "Your magical healing was already taking effect and we didn't want that cute nose of yours permanently damaged now did we?"

"At least warn a girl first." I laughed but immediately stopped when the pain stabbed me in my ribs where Abigail so graciously decided to punch.

"Em, are you okay?" Bailey asked me with worry.

"I'm fine, I am." I assured her.

She nodded and took the cloth from the bartender and started to wipe the blood off my face.

"How bad do I look?" I asked with a grimace as she dabbed the cloth on my wounds.

"Still as sexy as ever." Bailey winked at me but I could still see the worry etched on her face.

"You know for a human, you really swung at her good." Caroline gave me a high five to lighten up the situation.

"Not as good as you though. You seriously need to teach me how you knocked her out." I smiled.

"How did the fight start anyways?" Bailey asked concernedly.

"I spilt my drink on her by accident and she decided to reciprocate the action and I...I sort of just punched her and we broke out in a fight."

Caroline laughed at my guilty expression and I could see a smile playing on Bailey's lips.

Before she could say anything, the front door of the speakeasy slammed open to reveal a menacing Thane.

"Where the fuck is she?!" Thane let out a ear splitting growl and everyone fell silent but before he could get an answer he already turned his head towards me and his eyes softened as he took huge steps to close the space between us.

Before I could say anything, Bailey, Caroline and the bartender all scattered from around me as Thane pulled me into a hug.

I whimpered out in pain and he instantly released me, "Are you alright?" He immediately looked me over and touched my face and ribs, "Is anything broken?"

"Just my pride." I laughed without humor.

"Emery, seriously, are you alright?" He took the cloth from Bailey and tended to my wounds.

"I'm okay now." I smiled at him.

"Pass me some water." He asked and the bartender immediately handed him a glass of water and he wet the cloth and pressed it above my right eye. "I didn't think sending you to the bar alone would've ended up with you in a fight." He gave me a small smile but I could tell it was fake as his anger was still brewing below.

"Haha. You're not the only one who gets into fights you know."

"Yes but my job's to protect you. I'm sorry I wasn't here to fight for you." He looked down in shame.

"Hey, you fight for me everyday. More than anything that I do for you." I assured him.

He went radio silent as he continued to stop the blood flow from above my eye and then wiped off the blood from my face and hands.

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