Chapter 18: Healing Hands

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Chapter 18

The pounding inside my mind persisted as it woke me up from a delightful slumber. Opening my eyes I was suddenly blinded by the sun and its awful rays.

"Morning sunshine, or should I say good afternoon?" A melody of a voice traveled over to me.

"I'll shove that sunshine so far up your ass if you don't shut up." I gently opened my eyes to see the source of the voice and was shocked to see Thane sitting in the corner of the room near the fireplace. I sat up so fast that the pounding increased which made my headache worse.

"Hey." I mumbled meekly as he got up from his position where he was reading through a few pages with a laptop set on the coffee table.

I then realized that I was in his bed which I didn't remember getting into.

"Did you move me here?" I asked with a fiery blush as I recalled last night when he brushed my hair and took care of me.

He nodded his head in acknowledgment with a small smile playing on his lips.

I simply nodded at him. "My head hurts," I whined as I held my throbbing head.

Thane remained silent and just sat there staring at me. "Are you alright?" I asked worriedly.

He full out grinned then, "You said shut up unless I wanted the sunshine where the sun doesn't shine and quite frankly that doesn't sound too appealing..." He trailed off chuckling.

I laughed despite my headache, "You know what I mean."

He took a seat next to me and moved a stay strand of my hair out of my face while grabbing a glass of some kind of green liquid and putting it near my lips urging to me drink it.

I made a face at the smell of horrid concoction. "Come on drink up we have a fun day ahead of us."

"Should I be alarmed that you're giving me a weird liquid to drink?" I raised my eyebrows.

He shrugged, "May I'm trying to poison you.... or maybe not."

I glared at him as he had playfully smile of his face, "Knew you only wanted me dead..."

Suddenly Thane placed an arm around my waist and pulled my body closer to his so that I could feel his warm breath fanning across my face.

"If I wanted you dead love I would've done it by now. With that being said, if you ever talk about your death again, I'd have to punish you." He seductively whispered.

I felt a sweet chill ran through my body before I grabbed the glass from his hand and turned my gaze away from his as my face heated up.

I pinched my nose to not inhale the pungent scent and gulped it down while trying not to puke it back out.

When I was done I rest the empty glass far away from me and grimaced at the after taste, "That was terrible?"

Thane's body shook with laughter as he cupped my cheeks and turned my face back his, "I'm sorry but you decided to sit out in the rain and I couldn't risk you getting sick for our first date."

I wanted to argue back with him but I didn't want to rehash our argument from yesterday since we already reconciled.

"Thank you. And what was the anyways?" I gestured at the empty glass.

"Just a little creation." He said as he placed a kiss on my temple. "Now why don't you get ready while I finish up my work." He looked at the sofa where all the papers were scattered.

"Wait, where are we going?" I asked in confused.

"It's a surprise." He chuckled.

"Are you going to stand me up again?" I timidly asked.

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