The meal pt2

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Continued from last chapter

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Continued from last chapter.

After the harsh insult from Harry, Louis decided to ignore him for the rest of the night as best he can.

It really did hurt. He already has to live with the guilt of the pain he put Harry through that day so many years ago, the memory still as clear as day to him.

But now he has Harry bashing him for it at every chance he gets, making snarky comments every two minutes and using the waitress as a toy to gain jealousy. What happened to not objectifying women?

The man sat across from him right now is not his Harry. His Harry is kind and compassionate, treating people with kindness all day every day no matter who the person may be. His Harry doesn't smoke, or drink and doesn't purposely try to disrupt an event, in this case the meal.

No this Harry is different, and it's all his fault. If only he hadn't listened to Simon and management, they could have been happy.

"So, Harry, become quite the sensation since the break I believe" James says, breaking Louis' train of thought.

Harry shrugged before replying.
"I guess so, what can I say? They love the music. Had a lot to get off my chest while writing, a lot of the bad sh*t came in handy" His little dig there was obviously directed to Louis.

"I see, I really liked sweet creature by the way, beautiful song" James said with a knowing smirk.

Louis was confused, seeming as he hadn't listened to Harrys album he had no idea what song James was referring to and was pretty useless in this conversation.

Harry gripped his knife and fork tighter at that comment, pausing mid bite of his food.

"Did you now" is all he said, not thanking the man for the compliment.

Weirdly, Harry glances up at Louis, for the first time without a glare or cocky smirk, he looked worried, scared almost. But why? Is all that Louis could think. Louis just sends him and James a confused glance at which Harry seems to relax, like he's come to a realisation.

Louis looks towards the other lads to see they had all stopped eating and we're now sending knowing looks towards one another. This just confuses Louis further. What is going on?

"Yes, however I have to know, who's the song about Harry?" James dares to ask.

In a second Harry has thrown his knife and fork back onto his plate and stands abruptly from the table, he turns and walks away towards the bathroom but not without sending a deathly glare towards James. The look even sent shivers down Louis spine so he can only imagine how James is feeling.

"Okay what the f*ck was that about" Louis exclaimed, having a feeling that everyone at the table knew something he didn't.

"Louis, have you listened to any of Harrys solo material?" Niall questioned.

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