7. My House

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As soon as my last class finished, I said bye to Danny, who was in my last class with me, and began to make my way out.

I grabbed what I needed from my locker anyway, I could avoid the crowding in the corridor and instead just make my way to the bike stand, where I hoped Julie was waiting for me.

Making my way over, I didn't have to search too long long, since my eyes quickly landed on Julie's blonde hair and her backpack.

I picked up my walking pace a little, as I began to walk over to her.

Julie was turned to the side, on her phone, when I was approaching, and then slowly looked up, smiling.

"Hope you weren't waiting too long?" I asked her, as soon as I reached her.

I never liked keeping people waiting for me, and I really don't like being late either.

Julie shook her head gently. "Only a few minutes," she replied.

I still frowned a little. "Sorry, I would've said let meet near my locker, but it's always a rush in the hallway at the end of the day, and I kind of prefer avoiding that," I explained.

I'm tiny as it is, I'd rather not be crushed by the giants that walk among us.

"I understand. I wouldn't want to be caught in that either," Julie laughed.

I unlocked my bike and in that moment, realisation just hit me, and I felt like an idiot.

Julie didn't have a bike.

"I'm sorry, I completely forgot you didn't have a bike," I said, feeling like an idiot for not noticing it.

Instead, Julie smiled at me.

"It's okay. My Mum was going to pick me up, but I called her, to say I was going to a friend's house for homework, so she'll pick me up later. She seems quite happy about it all," Julie chuckled.

That would be like my mother. If I called her on my first day at a new school, and told her I immediately made a friend, she'd be proud, confused and happy too.

"We can walk together then, whilst I pull my bike along. It's really not that long of a walk. Is that okay?" I asked her.

Another reason why I don't need my Dad to drop me, it's really not that bad of a walk and easy to cycle as well.

Must protect those turtles in the ocean.

"It's okay, I don't mind walking," Julie then said and I smiled.

"Perfect. Let's go," I happily said, and began to manoeuvre my bike, as we walked together.

Another day of school conquered.


The walk from school my house actually felt a lot shorter than usual. Julie and I just spoke the whole way, and didn't even realise when we reached my house.

She's so fun to talk to, and so sweet. It just feels like I've known her for ages, rather than just meeting her today. Weird that.

I left my bike out in the front, not by the front porch steps, that just annoys my Dad and then I have to hear all about it.

The feeling of coming home just makes me feel so happy. It's the place I know my bed is, and that's just everything.

"Mum!" I always just yell out her name when I get home. It's the easiest way to know if she's home or not, since sometimes she finishes work a little earlier.

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