13. Liam, Julie and Calc

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Two weeks ago, I realised that I may potentially, possibly, just a little bit, be in love with Liam.

That wasn't exactly easiest thing to realise nor was it the nicest. Because along with that little realisation, it occurred to me that I had just agreed to helping Liam with Julie.

Probably not the smartest thing on my part and also, I couldn't go back on my word. I had told Liam that I'd help him, and I'd just have to.

Even if being around him became harder...if that were even possible.

My God, I am so stupid for doing this. So, so stupid.

However, the way that I had started to think about it, maybe this was a sort of good thing for me. If I helped Liam with Julie, then surely that would begin to snap me out of my whole love thing, right?

Anyway, impatient as usual, Liam wanted me to start the plan immediately after I agreed.

The idiot hadn't even realised the fact that there was no plan. I didn't know the first thing about setting someone up with the person they liked, I mean if I did, clearly my love life would be flourishing. But instead, I was helping the guy I liked with his love life.

So, of course, I let him know that he was stupid and I needed time, he agreed.

I need to really research this. Hopefully there was some kind of video or website, that could easily tell me how to play Cupid with the guy you love. There at least had to be a book on that, right? Maybe I'd have to ask the girls about that one.

There was also the factor that, if we - and yes, I was referring to Liam and I in this scenario - rush into this, he would scare Julie off.

Also another thing to think about, was that I would need time to convince my friends that Liam and I were friends, and he would also need to do the same with his boys.

So, after that day, Liam and I began to act a bit more friendly with each other. Well, it wasn't just an act, but for real. It was a little like we had kind of unpaused from where we had left off.

It would be nice if we had more than a friendship, but I had to remind myself this was all in the name of getting over my feelings for Liam...which hopefully one day I will.

When they started seeing Liam and I interacting with each other a bit more, my friends were skeptical of the idea, especially Danny, but they gradually became okay with it...kind of.

Throughout these two weeks, I also began bonding with Julie a lot more and getting to know her better.

It hurt at the start, knowing that she was the girl Liam liked, but she is so nice and sweet, I truly wanted her to be happy. If that happiness meant Liam, I guess that's just how it would be.

Again, I was really hoping that this would help in getting over my feelings for Liam.

There was still the little problem that I had absolutely no idea how to help Liam.

But then it occurred to me, that whilst Liam was - annoyingly - great at a lot of things, like sports, music, looks, getting somewhat decent grades, there was one lesson that he wasn't so amazing in... Calc.

Luckily for him, Julie was a pro. The only thing was, I just had think of a way to get her to help him...somehow.

We - and by 'we' I mainly mean me - came up with the plan that somehow we would convince Julie to help Liam with Calc. Since he was a natural failure at the subject, it was pretty believable that he needed the help.

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