27. Learning to Dance

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I am not the most romantic person out there, and seeing the way a lot of people were losing their heads over the Summer Ball was just making me less of a romantic.

I mean, it happens every year, we'll have one next year too. I don't really see the reason to be so over the top about it.

Over the course of the week, I've been seeing some of the weirdest proposals. Although there were some sweet ones, some just seemed like they missed the plot.

I did think it was nice of our school to sort of on this ball every year, not everyone gets that and it's different from the usual prom.

The one thing that I was hoping for was good food and good music.

Throughout this week, my friends had all pretty much been asked to go to the ball already too, which I admit was sort of cute to watch.

Danny had essentially used food to persuade Sara, which was cute. She agreed instantly, but I'm pretty sure she didn't even know what she was saying yes to, her only focus was the food.

I guess the most difficult person was Flo. She's very into her romance movies and all, so she already had so many about what she wanted. Unfortunately, Max was more than clueless about it. He was hoping, that Flo would just tell him.

When he thought about a plan himself, we were all kind of worried, assuming it would backfire as usual. But this time he didn't. He chose a very cheesy romantic route to ask her and of course Flo agreed, tearing up a little too, since any romantic gesture, would have her welling up.

Within our now larger group of friends, Chris was still pretty much the quiet one. Not a lot of people knew that Chris was gay, not that it was anyone else's business, but Derek, his boyfriend, wasn't one to hide this about himself. But as a sweet gesture to his boyfriend, he essentially announced their relationship to everyone, kissing him in public. That was basically the proposal and it was simple and cute.

With Andre and Mel, they still bickered a lot, with her deciding he wasn't a serious guy and she didn't want to take that risk. However, when he finally showed her can be serious and really liked her, Mel not only said yes to his proposal, but also agreed to out with him too.

After Liam and I spoke at Mama Macy's the guy was still so confused about what to do for Julie. He went on a drive again after dropping me home, hoping for some idea to just waltz into his mind.

There was a lot of things that I knew about Julie and I could help, but I didn't. If I put myself in that place, I knew that it would most likely end up with me in tears and hurting. This was Liam's relationship, he could worry about it himself as far as I was concerned.

I heard about it the next day from Julie, that Liam got the school band to play one of her favourite songs - assuming he bribed them with something for that. She was surprised and loved it.

I appreciated that didn't tell me all details about it, which wasn't her being rude, but rather her eagerness to know how Holden had asked me.

Holden had asked me last night, in his usual sweet way.

The entire day he'd been leaving me notes, with random praises written within them. Then at the end of the day, instead of dropping me home, he lead me to the basketball court, which had been decorated with small tea lights. We had to clear up the place before the janitor found out about this potential fire hazard, but I was still happy nonetheless.

It helps being with who already likes you and you don't have to long for. It seemed like such a simple thought, I can't believe I didn't know it before.


I hate that I can only get a lot work done, when I'm in a really productive mood, or just in that kind of zone. It doesn't help when you're feeling lazy, but have so much to do.

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