15. Invited

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"He is so infuriating!" Mel shouted in frustration, slamming her locker in the process of venting.

Sara, Julie, and I stood by the lockers, and just listened to Mel as she ranted about Andre, seemingly so annoyed by him. It was just so weird, because she never reacted like this over anyone.

Either way, it was amusing to watch and I think someone caught feelings.

"Andre's not so bad," I then told her, trying to defend the boy, who hadn't actually done much to be honest - other than be a little flirty.

"He's the worst," she huffed.

Her reactions are just hilarious. This isn't the usual, calm and composed, Mel that we're so used to.

"You sure you don't just like him?" Sara asked with a raised brow, pretty much saying what we were all thinking.

"Sara," Mel snapped, glaring at her and then moving eyes towards me, when I started to nod along with Sara's words.

Honestly, my Mum would glare at me all the time, so someone else doing it, didn't really effect me. I was immune to glares, unless it was Mum's. She could be really scary when she wanted to.

I just gave her a little shrug in response. "I've never seen you react to a guy like that."

Mel's icy glare seemed to have faltered at my words, and she raised her brows slightly, maybe a little flustered.

"I..." she began to say, only to seem lost for words.

"And don't think we all didn't see you blush when he called you sweetheart," Sara added in.

Mel looked horrified by that. "I didn't," she flat out denied.

However, even as she said those words, I could see another blush working its way onto Mel's cheeks.

"It's true," I told her.

Mel shook her head, rapidly. "You guys don't know what you're talking about. I'm leaving," she brushed us off and walked away.

"There's that blush again!" Sara shouted.

We laughed as she said the words, especially when Mel didn't even turn back. She's probably gone tomato-red by now.

"Shut up, Sara!" Mel yelled back, whilst walking further away.

We couldn't help but laugh more at this, we even Julie letting out some giggles.

Sara then looked at me with a cheeky smile on her face. "She definitely likes him," she said and I nodded in agreement.

As we continued to stand by our lockers, talking amongst ourselves, I then heard someone call out our names.

When I turned around, I saw Liam and Andre standing in front of us with smiles on their faces.

"Hey, Liam. Hey, Andre." I greeted both of them.

When I looked at Liam, I knew my face looked confused as ever, since this wasn't part of a plan. We - and I mean me - didn't plan a meet up right now or plan anything for the next move. What was he playing at?

"Hey, pretty ladies," Andre grinned at us.

I saw Sara roll her eyes. "Sorry, you just missed Mel," she then told him.

Andre's grin faltered a little. "Oh," he then said.

I noticed the slight tone of disappointment in his voice. I guess Mel wasn't the only one who may have caught feelings.

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