Chapter One

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In case you didn't read the description, this story is based off of CrystalScherer story Upon Wings Of Change. I highly recommend reading her book before reading mine as you'll understand it much better.


My little brother and I wondered through the streets of a small town in England, the only light source being the lampposts that scattered the streets. The dull glow of said lampposts barely lit up the road in the fog of the night, causing me to not be able to see more than five feet ahead of me.

The sun is going to rise over the horizon in a matter of hours, due to it being four in the morning. The only reason I was willingly out this early was because my brother, Sammy, wanted to be picked up from his friend's house. A catastrophe he called it, when in reality it was just a sleepover gone wrong.

The boy couldn't hold on for a few more hours. Instead he had to go wake his big sister up and get her to move out of her burrow of blankets. 'Big sister' being me.

I was very salty that an eight-year-old boy had managed to get me out of bed (at an unspeakable hour in the morning no less), while a thirty-eight-year-old lady cannot wake me up at a 'decent time'. Who calls 9am a decent time anyway?

I was torn out of the only thing that was keeping me sane, my thoughts, by my brother who had started tugging on my hoodie sleeve to get my attention. If he thinks he's going to get a half asleep me to keep up a conversation, he is wrong by a landslide.

"What do you want?" My voice pierced the tension that has formed since the second I was rudely woken from my slumber. My younger brother flinched from my sharp tone; which, may I add, was not meant to come out that harsh.

"How long until we're home?" His voice was quiet, like he was scared to ask. I would be too if you look at it in his point of view. He got a teenager, to leave her bed, to go into the cold. That is the equivalent of waking up a bear while she is hibernating. Technically I was hibernating, as school didn't start for another two days, and I didn't plan to leave my room until then. Unless I go to the bathroom or kitchen of course.

"Fifteen minutes." I replied without a second to think. My tone of voice was less firm, although you could still hear my annoyance. He didn't reply, but I knew he would've nodded to himself. He's too predictable.

The building besides us disappeared, and was replaced with leafless trees. The only source of light was now the moon that barely lit up the potholes planted around the rarely used road. It didn't help that there was fog around us, making it harder to see. I would be surprised if I made it home unharmed, it was almost certain that I was going to trip and scrap my knees.

I glanced down at Sammy, only to notice that he was staring into the woods, which was conveniently on our left, so we were closer to anyone or anything hiding in there! Horary! This thought had me staring into the gloomy darkness, my mind making out shapes from the black patches. These patches were most likely bushes, but try explaining that to my over imaginative mind.

I shook my head to get rid of these thoughts, and focused on the path ahead. I had to last less then ten more minutes before I can go back to hibernating. Maybe take some chocolate from the kitchen cupboard to eat in my cocoon. My mouth watered at this; some good old Cadbury caramel would work wonders when it comes to a midnight snack, well more like early morning but that doesn't sound as good.

My thoughts were disrupted once again, but it was not by the annoying pest I must call my brother. No, instead it was a rare sighting of a white van. A car driving down this mostly abandoned road at four in the morning was strange enough, but a white van? Might as well put a sign on the side saying 'Free Candy', or in my generations case 'Free Wifi'.

I watched as the vehicle, which was driving way over the speed limit at a rocking thirty miles per hour, starting slowing down when its headlights lit up our backs. Isn't this a bit shady? Well two kids being out before the sun has risen is shady too so I can't say much.

"Are you two kids lost?" A scratchy voice brought me back to the real world. I need to stop zoning out so much, especially when it comes to a stranger speaking to two children wondering the streets.

"No, we're fine." Sammy spoke from besides me when I didn't reply. Right, he asked a question.

"Do you want a lift home? We have room in the back." His thumb pointed to the back of the van, causing me to hold back a scoff and an eye roll. That's how kidnapping is done, and last I checked that was the number one rule of what not to do in a stranger danger booklet. Of course, I didn't voice this, I was tired and grumpy; the less I socialised the better.

"No thank you." I responded while grabbing my brother's wrist, and picking up my pace. The van had no trouble keeping up with our pace, causing a very tired me to face the man.

"Would you please go away?" So much for not socialising. He widened his eyes from my sharp tone of voice, before a smile plastered itself on his face. I can tell you; it was not pretty. His crooked, yellow teeth, was on display for the world to see. I would bet five-hundred pounds that he doesn't see a dentist.

Red flags were going off in my head when the van stopped, and the side sliding door opened. Two men jumped out, wearing the same colour as the darkness around me. I cursed under my breath, at the same time as pulling Sammy into a sprint, these sports games we were made to do better prevent our murder.

I could push the boy towards the men so I can get away. The thought was forced out of my mind as fast as it came, he was my brother, my blood, I shouldn't even consider that. Our mother would be angry beyond belief if I done so, I'd be grounded for years!

In my distraction, I noticed that we were closing the distance to our home. To our parents. If we held on for a few more minutes we would be safe. I could be in my bed once again. My world came crashing down when an unsuspected drop decided to come and ruin my life, to make it worse I had landed on a glass bottle. Left by a drunk no less. Them bloody alcoholics had to through a bottle in a pothole didnt he?

Pain ran through my legs as I attempted to stand, my grip on Sammy was long gone. I let go of the poor boy when I fell. My legs collapsed under my weight, causing me to land on my glass covered knees. Arms wrapped around me in a hug, the familiar ginger hair brushing against my face.

"I love you Sammy." I spoke quietly, one of the men reached out to grab my brothers' arm. "I love you too Izzy." Was his response, seconds before he was ripped away from me and a needle forced into his neck. The white liquid quickly making its way into his blood stream.

"No more needles left; you are going to have to find another way to knock her out James." The guy holding my precious brother explained, only to turn around and walk the few steps needed to get to the now parked van. Throwing the weakened Sammy in there.

This 'James' bloke grabbed my arm and pulled me up, only to put me in a chock hold. My hand instinctively tried to claw myself free, not wanting to be touched by this madman, but of course I couldn't get out of the older man's grip.

I opened my mouth to scream, only for James to cover my nose and mouth with his free hand; effectively cutting off my air supply. Only now did I realised how much we took oxygen for granted.

I struggled in his grip, as my lungs burned for air. All rational thoughts left my brain as tears fell from my eyes. I could feel myself become weaker by the second, and my attempt to escape was becoming more pathetic. Black spots soon took over my vision as I fell into unconsciousness. I shouldn't have joked to myself about being kidnapped.

Word Count: 1,473

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