Chapter Four

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My eyes glanced around the room as I glided towards the heat lamp, I carried on looking at the man in the corner of the room. For some reason I felt like he was going to hurt me whenever I took my eyes off him. Humans could be horrible creatures, I know that for experience.

I shook my head and tried to focus on landing, I was aiming for the sand as I would slip on the metal surface. Once close enough, I adjusted my wing so I was back-beating.

I saw the scientist shift causing all my attention to focus on him, thankfully he was only reaching for his water which was besides him. A startled squeal escaped me as I started plummeting to the floor, I forgot I was in the air when he moved.

My wings moved around frantically as i tried to get gravity to realise its hold on me. I could feel my heart racing and mind bouncing as I thought of the worse. As the floor came closer I manged to twist my body around slightly so I didn't land on my wing, and possibly brake it from impact.

I held my breath as my legs collapsed seconds after touching the floor, I waited a moment before standing on my now shaky paws. I carefully shook myself before stretching out my wings once more and glancing up at the table.

Dont get distracted, dont get distracted. Them words were the only thing that came to mind at that moment, as I didn't want to go through that again.

I beated my wings against the air as I aimed for the table, my eyes didn't loose focus and before long I was under the heat lamp where i wanted to be. I stretched out my wing, realising I've overused them today. I would have to build up their strength.

I was close to falling asleep when a man came into the room with the dreaded enclosure. I watched as he approached me before quickly holding my body against him. After mews and scratches of protest, I was set in the cage and being wheeled back to the main room.

A huff of annoyance escaped me, I enjoyed the freedom; even tho the room was small. It was like torture being stuck in a small cage.

Once they men left, the cream-coloured cattet besides me mind linked me. "Hey, how did it go."

"Good, got distracted while flying and fell to the ground."

With my words i sent my panic i felt while falling out the sky, slightly surprising myself that I could do that. I watched as he winced at the sudden emotions that spread through the mind link.

"Im happy I weren't in your shoes. Anyway on another note another egg has hatched while you were away."

I didn't know if that was good news or bad news, on one hand they use to be a human and was kidnapped; but on the other hand they survived. Then a thought struck me.

"Whats their name?" I questioned, hope blooming inside of me.

"I think they said it was Sammy, hes a silver cat, small like you, must've been from the athletic group."

I didn't reply as I pictured a silver cat with wings in my head, as i pictured Sammy. "Hello?" I questioned before laying under my heat lamp with my wings streched as far as they could go. It took a few moments before a reply came into my head.

"Whos this?" I could feel the uncertainty flowing through the line as he spoke. My heart almost exploded as thoughts rushed through my head. This must be him.

"Is this Sammy?" I asked, not answering his question; only wanting to know the truth about if this is him or not.

"Uh yeah, why?" Fear was struck in his voice before my heart exploded with happiness. Hes alive! My brother survived the experiments!

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