Chapter Three

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Sorry this took so long to write, it was ment to be out weeks ago but due to writers block and being busy i haven't had time to write. Anyway enjoy!

I opened my eyes to hisses and growls surrounding me, my groggy mind turned into confusion as I glanced at the cat that layed in the cage besides me. I stood onto my four paws as my mind focused to the world that I wished was a dream.

After glancing around the room, i noticed a white coated men and women going to each cage. I couldn't tell what they were doing but I could tell that one of them was right outside my cage.

The woman opened my glass prison and put her hand in, this caused my instincts to take over. I let out a hiss and backed away to the corner of the cage, not wanting anything to do with this lady.

She payed no attention to me as she replaced the bowls in my cage with new ones, instantly i knew it was fresh food and water. The scientist withdrew her hand and swiftly locked the cage before going on her way. I was still drained of my strength from the previous days activity.

I stumbled towards my food bowl and sniffed the fruit. I noticed that today I had raspberries, kewi, and my favourite, mangos. I used my paws to pick up a piece of kewi before standing on my hind legs, nibbling on the delicious fruit. Kewi was definitely the second favourite, nothing could beat mangos though. All the fruit was cut into bite-sized blocks, which I couldn't complain about.

The food was quickly gone and after I licked my lips, I went to the water bowl to drink. I decided it was easier to drink like a snake then a dog. I did attempt it when I woke up in the middle of the night, which I was guessing was night since everyone was asleep, but made a small mess.

There was water still under my paws so I guess they havent cleaned out my cage yet, which I could live with. My eyes trailed to another person who had just stopped in front of my cage, a hiss left my throat as i backed into the far corner.

I watched as he looked at the clipboard attached to the front of my cage, my hisses died down to growls as I didn't understand what he was doing. I knew he was reading whatever was on the paper, but didn't they have folders in another room they can read from instead of disturbing me.

Before I could relax, the man grabbed a handle that was on top of my cage. He lifted the enclosure up before placing it on a small table that i had only just noticed.

"Izzy, dont freak out." I heard a voice which made me instantly turned to the cream-coloured cat that was looking out his cage at me.

"Just stay calm, they are taking you to a room so you can stretch your wings. They'll be watching you so please remember to act like an animal." I stared at him like he was crazy. I was going to be in a room for god knows how long, with these insane humans watching me. Before any of us could say anything else, I was wheeled through multiple doors and into a semi-big room.

The table was wheeled next to a bigger surface before another man walked in and opened both sides of the cage. I never noticed the back part of the cage was a door. I hissed at him as he put his hand in my cage, he had a glove on which im guessing is so that they dont get hurt if I scratch them.

I backed up as far away as I can before one of my hind paws couldn't find any more surface. I was forced to stop in my tracks before glancing at my paws, yep I was definitely at the edge of the table. While distracted, the man with the gloves of picked me up gently but firmly. The second man started to speak through a voice recorder while glancing down at a clipboard, his voice was deep but had a cold vibe to it.

"Specimen H1526. Female, fourteen years old. Part of the sport specification group. Collected on January eleventh with a strange method of strangulation. Metaforming completed on June fifth. Egg case finished formation on June sixteenth. High heat hatching method C7 was used. Hatching occurred late evening on July tenth."

My heart dropped after hearing this, i was in that egg for just under six months. I was ment to be at my aunts wedding last month, and a month before that was my fourteenth birthday. I carried on attacking the man as I pretended I didn't understand them, all that was going through my mind was how I cant let them see my intelligence.

A squeal escaped me as I was placed into a basket, my wings instinctively shot out from besides me as they attempted to help keep my balance. "Three pounds and four ounces, or 1.4 kilograms." The voice of the man still talking in the recorder didn't catch me off guard. "She stands at nineteen centimetres or seven inches. Smaller weight and size then most but expected from her size as a human."

And with that, I was picked up again against my will; coming to think of it everything about this situation was against my will. The disgrace of a man who held the voice recorder strolled over to us and started moving around my legs and wings, easily dodging my sluggish attempts to scratch him.

"No noticeable deformations or mutations. Shape and size is just below standard. Before collection Specimen 1526 was noted to have preferred flight over fight, and also actively avoids conflict. These traits seems to have transferred over. Actions are mostly defensive moves if unable to avoid us."

What did I expect, these so called scientists had been stalking me for who knows how long. I huffed in annoyance as I realised they have been watching me long before their first attempt to kidnap me and Sammy. I just wished I never tripped over that pothole, or better yet not have went to the shop...

A growl escaped me as I was placed on a sand tray that was in a corner of a table. I quickly backed as far as I could before hissing like the world was about to end. They played not attention to it as the man that held me moments ago wheeled my cage out the door, leaving me in a room with the other person who was now sitting on a chair staring at me.

I stayed in that position for a moment longer before looking at the heat lamp that was only a few paw steps away. Heat sounded great after what just happened. I crouched down like a cat would do when hunting, and slowly crawled to the heat. My heart was racing at I kept one eye on the man in the chair, my stomach brushed the sand and before long I could feel the warmth.

I slowly layed down, keeping an eye open to keep watch. I spread out my wings to collect more of the heat that our species seem to love.

Before to long, I was too warm. After standing, my paws took me to the edge of the table. My claws gripped on the end, as I peered over the edge. I could jump from the floor to where I am with some wing assistants, it looks like a good place to practice flying.

With a deep breath, I pushed myself off the table, wings stretched out before beating them once. A squark-like mew escaped me as I gained hight. I stretched out my wings without thinking before realising what a big mistake I made.

Gravity was pulling me back to the ground, I had barley anytime to think. I allowed my instincts to take over which caused my wings to change position, I back-beated my new limbs and only stopped when I could feel the cold concrete under my paws.

A sigh escape me before I glanced back up at the table. Well if I was to escape I would need to be able to fly. And with that, I jumped up with a beat of my wings; sliding slightly when I made contact with the table. They really need to get some carpet to put on this.

I turned around and crouched, positioning my claws at the end of the table. I was aiming to get to another table that was a wing-beat away. I shut my eyes for a second, recalling how birds take off and land. As soon as I opened them, I pushed myself off; wings fully extended. After beating my wings once, I was nearly above the table. I stayed in a glide, thankful of the sand that was in my direction. As soon as I felt the sand brushing my paws, I attempted to hop to kill the momentum; but to my luck I tumbled over.

I quickly jumped up and shaked my wings, pretending nothing happed. I looked around the table and strolled towards the pot of popsicle sticks, not thinking about attempting another flight due to the fact that my wings were aching. I pushed over the pot, picking up a mouthful of them with my teeth. After walking a few steps off of the sand before placing them down.

Let's see why cats love to chase things so much. I pushed one with my paw, and as it glid across the table, I ran after it. Adrenaline rushed few me as I pushed it further, my eyes darted to another one when I turned my neck to look at the others. I slid to a stop, somehow not falling over, and ran full speed at the other sticks. My fun was cut short as I tripped over my own legs, I glanced back over to the table with the heat lamp; deciding I will aim to go there when my wings have recovered.

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