Chapter Seven

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I looked up at the sky from my place on the floor, most of my attention was at the soon to be rising moon. No one is sure why we want to welcome it, but no one really questions it. The urge to sing and dance in the air was getting stronger, although I knew it wasn't time yet.

Before I knew it, I was in the air doing complicated manœuvres. My heart fluttered as I sang like no tomorrow. The air changed slightly causing me to move to the side so I missed colliding with someone else. That happened often but it was rare that we crashed.

It was all too soon when it ended, quite a few Cattets were on the floor waiting for their young to catch their breath to fly home. I watched as most of the Kymari left before slowly gliding to my nest that wasn't to far away. I was happy to see our flock growing, there was now 60 of us. More than what was in the lab!

I landed on the roots of the tree that led into my den before leaning over to see if anything was out of place. We have learnt foxes and badgers like to hide in our dens or dig us out at night. It was unlikely for one of them to be in my home as the roots prevented larger animals to do so. If one does try to attack one of our species, our acid makes them think otherwise.

Once I was positive that it was safe, I dived down the few feet before landing on the floor of the main room. I stretched before glancing around, in the corner was some fruit Sammy and I keep stored in case of a storm. Next to it was a small tunnel to the surface we use as a emergency exit. To the left of me was my room while to the right was Sammys. I knew he wouldn't be here for a few more minutes as he and Kailee would likely be saying goodbye.

I let out a yawn before wondering into my room and laying on the big sand bed I made. My ears perked and my head lifted as I heard movement outside my room, I rested my head back on the floor as Sammy mindlinked me.

"Its just me, don't blast an acid ball at me. The water will be freezing right now." I smiled at the thought of Sammy having to wash himself in the dark before shaking my head. "I won't don't worry, goodnight Sammy." "Night Izzy." The link faded as he went to go to sleep. I decided to do the same.

I swooped around a tree as a kit chased me, half the flock decided to play a game of tag. I could see Alice under a bush below me so I slowed down slightly, that was just enough for the young Cattet to gently touch me with his tail before beating his wings to get out of my reach. He was lucky that he wasn't my next target.

My wings changed angle as I dived down towards the bush before stretching them out and changing my direction so I was now flying above her as she attempted to out run me. "Don't you dare Izzy!" Her mind voice entered my head from the main mindlink. My tail gently touched her back before I beated my wings and changed my angle so I was now flying upwards. "Oh just wait until I get a hold of you."

I smiled at her annoyance before teasing her. "Oh why can't you catch me Alice?" "Maybe because you did football as a human!" I let my amusement run through the link. "And I did basketball, and tennis! I perfered them over football. Cricket was okay. Don't try and get Sammy as he did rugby instead of cricket!" "And here I was being captured from being artistic.." Multiple Cattets aloud their laughter to run through the link before I perched on a branch to watch the game once more.

Most Cattets didn't go for me, Sammy and a few others as we're from the athletic group when we were caught. We were more agile than the others. When we have art competitions the artistic ones always win, although we have a special one for kits.

"Elliott, Samantha, where are you. Its lunch time." I could see the two kits from here. They were under a rose bush, hiding from their mother who flew above them. I looked over at their father who was a few branches besides me, obviously knowing where they were. "I swear if you don't come out now, I'm going to eat all the grapes and pears." "No don't!" They almost screamed through the mindlink as they ran out from under the bush.

I watched as the father glided towards them before the whole family flew away for lunch. "Izzy, I have to show you something.." Sammys voice entered my mind through our private mind link, I could feel his excitement running through the link. He told me to meet him at the pond which was in the middle of the park to which I did. I had wondered why he wasn't with the flock playing tag, it was his favourite game as almost no one could get him.

"I don't know how to explain what I found so I'm just going to show you. Only us two will know about it when I show you." I slowly nodded before flying behind him into the deeper parts of the forest, anticipation was running through the link from both me and Sammy as we got closer. My little brother landed on the floor and looked up, so I done the same. My eyes widened at the sight, there was an old human tree house. It was falling apart and looked like a small push could knock it over.

I sped out my wings once more and flew through a hole which was ment to be a window and landed on the floor. Sammy done the same as me and started to look around himself. There was a few books, two blankets, and a bunch of pillows. "We could take a blanket each as well as three pillows!" My brother exclaimed excitedly before grabbing a white blanket and the white pillows. He pushed them to the opposite side of the tree house, leaving me the black blanket and pillows. It was obvious he hasn't explored it yet.

We both decided to keep the books in the tree house as it wasn't anything we'd read. "What would happen if the Kymari see what we were holding when we take these back to our den?" Sammy questioned me through the private mindlink. "I'm not sure, we should wait until after the Sundown dance before coming here. Most Cattets would be asleep while the Kymari would be at home."

"What about around midnight instead? Everyone would definitely be asleep and not looking for food to keep them unconscious throughout the night." I nodded at Sammys comment before we both decided to leave the tree house for now.

We went back to where the game of tag was only to find out they were sunbathing now. That didn't bother us. I landed on a rock while Sammy went besides Kailee on some sand close by. I was barely containing my excitement for tonight. "Why are you so happy?" Alice's voice entered my thoughts, being her observent self. Uh, we didn't think this through. "I am going to fly around the park with Sammy tomorrow. We haven't spent time together for a while." She didn't reply so I immediately turned the mindlink to Sammy. "You have no say in this what so ever but we're going to spend time together tomorrow ."

I felt his confusion run through the link. "Why? What have you done this time." I could feel amusement run through the link. "Hey! You've got to take some blame too. None of us thought of something to say if someone caught our excitement." I aloud my amusent to run through the link as well. "Your lucky I have no plans tomorrow." His mind voice came through again. "You never have plans! We're winged cats who sunbathe all day." His laughter ran through my mind before the link faded. Well it looks like I'm busy tomorrow now. This was going to be fun!

I rested my head in my paws and spread out my wings to catch the sun. Every once and a while we saw Kyamri walking across the main walking trail but they payed little attention to us. The most they'd do is look over at us while walking. If one decided to stop and watch us like the one who stalked us from the tree, we would go somewhere else. We didn't like to be openly watched.

"We're off, we're going to teach a few kits how to spit acid by the more quiet stream." A white Cattet mewed before beating her wings into the air, her mate followed her as well as a few others. Two more adults, and five kits. We all said our goodbyes before returning to the comfortable silence.

There were twelve kits in our flock at the moment, and all we're fiercely protected. They are protected the way they are due to how low our numbers are. Two are two months, two are five months, three are eight months, four are nine months, and one is eleven months. We class them as kits until they are a year old although our species doesn't reach maturity until we're four years old, and none really think about having there own young until twenty - thirty years old.

I shut my eyes as I felt the warmth of the sun on my back, I hoped one day I could have kits of my own; but none of the males seemed interested in me or I wasn't interested in them. I was half asleep as I imagined life with my own children.

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