Chapter Eight

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I knew I was dreaming due to the fact I was human, but I didn't want to leave. I was dreaming about holding Sammy for the first time, I was around six years old when he was aloud to go home; the excitement I felt that day was bubbling through me.

"Izzy, wake up sleepy head."

I could feel someone nudging me as my dream faded into darkness, I tiredly opened my eyes as I looked up at Toby. "You better get flying, Alice is coming for revenge." My eyes widened as I jumped up and beated my wings in the air. "Thanks Toby!" I called back in the main mindlink before swerving around branches and trees. "Toby! Why did you warn her?" Alice's annoyed voice entered my head, they would be having words later.

After flying for a while I landed by the pond in the middle of the park. We believe that we have Otter genes in us, due to how much we like fish and swimming on our backs. Most parents will let their young stay on their stomachs, we do this because we are like floating islands to them when they learn to swim, and it's easier to bath them when they're young. The only meat we like are fish, and we eat a lot of it. Sadly we cant just live off of that, we need fruit in our diet to not get ill.

I jumped up into the air once more and circled around the middle of the pond, my circling turned into hovering as I saw movement just underneath the surface of the water. I watched it for a moment before tilting downwards and pressing my wings against my back. My front legs were in front of me with my claws unsheathed as I got ready to catch the cod. As soon as I felt the fish touch my paws, I dug my claws into it. My tail helped me to stear as I used my hind legs to kick against the water.

We could stay underwater for around eight minutes without going up for air, the same amount of time as a sea Otter. Once my head was above the water I leaned over to swim on my back, I found this more comfortable as I ate. I flicked an ear in greeting as a cinnamon Cattet came, she quickly caught herself a fish before laying besides me to eat. "Do you know where the Sundown Dance is tonight?" While eating the last of my fish, I replied. "I believe its at the river close to Alices and Tobys den." I saw her nod her head slightly.

Once we both finished our fish I looked at the sky. "Thankfully we're close to the river, its going to start soon." My companion looked up before twisting around and going underwater. I copied her as we gained speed before turning so we faced upwards. We exited the water and spread out our wings before beating them against the sky. For a few seconds before opening my wings I felt like a dolphin!

I was a wing beat behind her as was flew at a good speed to get to the river. We were their shortly as we separated to take our places. I landed on a small rock in the middle of the river as I looked up at the sky, I ignored the water the ran over my paws; it wasn't like I was getter any wetter.

I shot up into the air, ignoring our spectators once more. I still remember the first time they saw us, one night there was one and next night there was more. The first time there was a bunch we were reluctant to stay, but the pull was to much to flee without immediate danger. From that day on we became more relaxed when they watched the Sundown Dance, if they don't try to touch us we won't try to hide it to hard.

I saw a child close to me when an idea popped into my head, I was one of the few that dared to get close to a Kymari child. During the song I swerved slightly so I flew above her, my tail gently touching her head before I returned to the flock. I hid my grin as I could see her almost bouncing up and down in excitement.

I saw her most days with her mother and knew neither would hurt me, mainly because they leave mangos on the floor before moving a few feet back to give me space. If it was other fruit I would ignore it but mangos are my favourite and they don't grow in the park.

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