Nikki and Max start to date... Part 3

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Max's pov

As I felt Nikki's lips against mine I felt like I was in the clouds... Then she stopped.. "what's wrong Nikki?" I asked " max I love you and I don't know if you like me..." Nikki said "Nikki can I ask you something and will you let me explain? I said "of course! What is it?" She said " I love you and I want you to be mine, I want you to be my girlfriend! so will you go out with me ?!?" I said 

Nikki's pov 

"I love you and I want you to be mine, I want you to be my girlfriend! so will you go out with me?!?" Max said. I started to blush and well I was shooked when he told me that but I responded like this, " Yes max, I do want to be your girlfriend!" I leaned over and I kissed his smooth lips. It was like I was ready to do someting but I didnt know what......

Max's pov

When Nikki told me that she would be my girlfriend she kissed me! I was in shook but I like the feeling of Nikki's lips... There so soft and well what can I say... She is mine now! 

Nikki's pov 

As we headed back to camp, I was thinking about how I was going to tell my parents! WELL I AM 16 YEARS OLD! And max is 17 years old... I can't believe Like just a few hours ago I was only his friend and now im his girlfriend!  Its crazy!!!!

Max pov

I guess we will keep it a secret for now I thought...I mean nobody can know not even Gwen.....

                                     Well hopefully you guys enjoyed this part of a love story!

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