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Not much therian related today, I went out for a hike up the mountain (Canadian "mountains" are wimpy, it's like a half an hour hike) in my town, but when I got there the paths were still iced over. And since walking uphill on ice isn't exactly the best idea lmao, I decided to chill, sit on my jacket and meditate for about an hour. I sang my favorite Bhajan and chanted the Maha mantra and enjoyed the sun through the trees.

When I finally left, I stopped in at the shop I work at on my way home and hung out with my boss, made tea for the customers and got to test out her new order of singing bowls and Hapi drums (if you've never heard a Hapi drum, pleeeasee look it up on Youtube).

I walked to my Grandmother's afterwards and spent time with her while I ate dinner, then I walked home and did some cleaning. :)

Overall pretty relaxing, no shifts or anything, but I wore my collar under my hoodie for awhile.


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