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Hey guys! Thanks for sticking around so long lol, I'm going to try and post more often again, and to do that I have an idea!

I'm going to make a draft at the beginning of the day and write throughout the day (which will be really useful because I'm very forgetful and often don't remember things I wanted to record).

So I'll put the date in the title, and time stamps above each entry, and then upload it at the end of the day or the next morning, sound good? Good lmao.

So here goes nothing,

I've been feeling really casually shifty lately. Whining has become just, natural for me lol, as a greeting especially, and ofc when I'm sad or in some particular mood.
I was in the school and was very m-shifted awhile ago lol, it didn't affect me too badly, but I did NOT want to be in a loud packed class of kids. Not to mention it was my History class, and all the kids in that class are very rude and loud because the teacher is quiet and sweet. They walk all over her, it honestly pains me to see. I get treated weirdly recently too because I'm seen as the "teachers pet" because I literally just respect her lmao.

I've been reading the Warriors Cat series recently lol, I havent read so much in years! I started on Friday and I'm already halfway through the second novel. If you haven't read them I suggest it, I'm pretty late to start reading them, but they're great at any age lol. You can find free pdfs online, I'm reading them in google drive.

I practiced my roar-bark vocals today! I was home with my dad so I could be loud, but I think I did well. They take a lot of energy and make my throat sore if I do them too much lol, I can't wait to try one loud.

I just spent the rest of the night reading :o I'm onto the third Warrior cats book now! I'm going to call my gf and head to bed soon for school tmmr. I have a Psychology Presentation, wish me luck!


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