Chapter Five - The Jetset Life Is Gonna Kill You.

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  "What the hell?" I snatch my arm from his grip. His smile slides gradually from his lips. 

  "What?" he asks, feigning innocence. His hazel eyes frowning down at me, he licks his lips anxiously. 

  "Why are you here?" I demand, scowling up at him, although its quite hard to do considering I can feel blood seeping down over my eye, I try to blink it away quickly without success. 

  "I pulled you out of the room..." he trails off, his tone telling me that this shouldn't be hard to understand, I give an irritated huff, he knows that's not what I wanted to know. 

  "I know that" I snap at him, for some reason he finds my anger funny and smirks widely "But why did you?" I ask, scowling. 

  "Because..." he trails off, scuffing his converse across the floor of the school corridor, he shoves his hands deep into the pockets of his ripped up jeans, he can't even look at me. I stand with my arms over my chest, glaring up at him coldly. Finally he looks up at me, and I'm shocked by how pretty his eyes are, they look like the eyes of a puppy dog, a very cute puppy dog that you just want to cuddle. I feel my insides melting, but then my stomach burns with anger. 

  "Don't even fucking try that shit on me" I snarl at him. His eyes widen, the effect gone. 

  "What?" he squeaks, but I can see that he knew what he was doing, blatantly obvious considering he's smirking like a moron. 

  "You know what, Frank Iero" I growl, "It doesn't work on me" I narrow my eyes. He gives a laugh. 

  "They usually work every time" he pouts at me. 

  "Yeah well, I've been trained against those eyes half my life" I huff, he raises a black eyebrow questioningly "Gerard's puppy dog eyes were much more impressive than yours" I scowl. His eyes drain of amusement. 

  "I'll get you to the nurse" he says, changing the topic completely, his voice no longer holding any emotion at all. 

  "I can walk there myself" I snap as he turns to stroll down the corridor. 

  "Really?" he throws a smirk at me "I heard you're one of the clumsiest people on Earth" he raises his eyebrows, I frown. 

  "Where'd you hear that?" I inquire suspiciously, he just shrugs, then he sighs when he sees me still stood in the middle of the corridor, he comes back and grabs my arm in a not so polite way, dragging me down the corridor in a fast walk. I try to jerk my hand away, but his hold is too strong, and the adrenaline from my fight with Leah is starting to wear off, that's probably the most excersise I've had in a year and I'm tired, my injuries are starting to throb. 

  "Hadley, if you keep trying to pull away I'm just going to carry you" Frank states in a warning voice, I throw him a wide-eyed look. 

  "You wouldn't even be able to pick me up" I grumble as he steers me around a corner. 

  Frank scoffs, sweeping his black hair from his eyes as he does "I think I'd manage, shortass" he says arrogantly, I glare at him viciously, but let him help me down a set of stairs, considering my legs are starting to ache and my head is starting to pulse. By the time we get to the nurses office Frank is practically carrying me, I hate the fact he's helping me, but right now I have no choice but to allow him to do so, considering my vision is starting to go blurry. 

  "Jesus, Mary and Joseph" the nurse gasps when Frank pulls me into the room, she jumps up to wobble her way over to us, she's a pretty huge woman, but she's really kind, or so I've heard, the only time I've been down here is when I've scuffed my knees by tripping over my own feet, although even then she's lovely. 

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