Chapter 11

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A kiss that is never tasted, is forever and ever wasted. --Billie Holiday

Wine comes in at the mouth And love comes in at the eye; That's all we shall know for truth Before we grow old and die. --William Butler Yeats

Sean's P.O.V.

Who would have thought that the moon goddess would bless me with such an amazing mate such as Serenity? Everything about her makes me feel alive that I can do anything with her by my side. I'm grateful that she excepts my wolf side and is willing to go on a date with me tonight. Things are looking up and I want it to stay that way. I know there are still things that need to be done with her family and for the fact that I would like her to move in with me. From what I know she is staying at Melody's place until she finds her own. Convincing her to move in with me might be moving a bit too fast for her and I don't want her to feel pressured into anything. Darren will do the same since he wants Melody to move in. I'm looking forward to tonight's dinner, but I'm suddenly getting a bad feeling about it. Is there something I'm overlooking? Right now, Serenity is with Melody as she gets ready for our date.

"What troubles the great alpha," David said popping out of nowhere almost making me punch the living hell out of him.

"Nothing. Just thinking about how I can impress Serenity with our date tonight. Where is Darren? He should be back now."

If I know Darren it's that he's never late. He's always creepy on time with everything. I hope now that he has a mate, he can loosen up more. I blame myself for giving him more work then he should have. If he was human the stress of the workload would have killed him. Time to give him a day off fast.

"He was talking with the girls till Melody took Darren away so that she could talk to him. Probably she's going to tell him she's a mermaid." David said taking a seat on the couch.

Did he know?

"How did you know she was a mermaid?"

"I was there at the pool when I saw her snap her finger creating a small wave."

Well, that explains where he was when I was looking for him. Bet he was trying to skip out on work like always.

"So, I take it Serenity is okay with you being a werewolf? I'm happy for you man. I know she will make a great Luna."

The way David said that had a hint of sadness in his voice. Could he be thinking of his late love Emilia? I don't know how he could go on knowing that his mate is forever gone. Just thinking of losing Serenity brings a great deal of pain in my heart.

"For David it's painful. His mate was killed a hundred years ago and that pain will forever be with him." Noir said.

Noir is right. The pain of losing a mate can drive a wolf to go insane. Most rouges out there are ones who have lost their mate filling their hearts with nothing but darkness. That part of love they once had is forever gone so killing never bothers them. I feel for them however even if they lost a loved one, they can't just go killing freely. It's mine and other packs duty to stop all rouges by the order of the alpha king. On the bright side, there are some good rouges out there just looking for a pack to call their home. I don't mind that at all. From where David stands, I'm proud of him for not becoming a heartless bloodsucker of the night.

"Sean is it all right if I take a day off. It will soon be Emilia's anniversary and I like to visit her."

He doesn't have to ask. I would let him go even if he didn't tell me.

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