Chapter 18

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Family quarrels are bitter things. They don't go according to any rules. They're not like aches or wounds, they're more like splits in the skin that won't heal because there's not enough material. --F. Scott Fitzgerald

Serenity's P.O.V.

Here I was sitting in the living room back home with my parents sitting across from me and Sean sitting beside me. It was quite a with tension so thick you can cut it with a knife. The only sound that could be heard was my mother's cries knowing her favorite daughter is going to jail. She didn't even ask me if I was okay when I walked through the door. No hint of concern in my father's eyes, only anger towards me and Sean.

"I came here today to talk to you about what happened between me and Fiona. I don't understand how my parents can see through Fiona's lies."

"Lies! How can you say that! Fiona has been nothing but a great daughter unlike you! You even had her fired from the job that she liked!" My mother shouted giving me a hateful glare.

"That's where you are wrong." Sean began handing my parents a document containing information on Fiona and Ethan and how they have been secretly dating behind my back My father and mother read it in horror knowing Fiona had been lying to them and now finding out she's been stealing money from them. The gun that Fiona was able to acquire was thanks to her best friend Taylor who has been charged also with the help of attempted murder.

"How could Fiona do this to us?" My father said in disbelief.

"But Serenity, please. I know this hard for us all and now I see Fiona was in the wrong, but please just tell the police that she's been under a lot of stress and needs help. I can't bear to see my baby go to jail." My mother pleaded with me taking my hand in hers.

Unbelievable. Even after knowing the truth she still wants Fiona to be saved by me lying! I can't take this anymore. I can't see this woman before me as my mother any longer. I pulled my hand away from hers. Tears now running down my face not from sadness but of anger.

"Do you not care at all about me and how I could have almost died! Why do you continue to show more love for Fiona! Am I not your daughter too! All these years I have worked so hard just to get you, mom, to smile at me and say I love you or that you're proud of me!" I got up from my seat with Sean doing the same." Same to you dad. At a father-daughter dance back in elementary school, you only danced with Fiona while I stand in the corner waiting to have a turn only for me to never get that moment. You say that we are a family? Is this what you call a true family when one of your daughters has been rejected!?"

I broke down crying heavily falling to my knees covering my face with my hands. Is this how it has to be? Am I just not worth my parent's love? Why me! What have I ever done to them to be treated this way!? My father stood up walking over to me pulling me into a hug. It's the first hug he's ever given me. My mother did the same crying with me hugging me tightly.

"I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry my baby girl...I never realized how much we made you suffer from all this. We do love you Serenity. As a father, I should have done a better job. That dance you were talking about. Fiona told me that you didn't want to dance with me. I should have never believed her and asked you to dance with me. I'm so sorry for slapping you."

"I'm sorry too. I was so caught up with Fiona I made you feel less important in the family. The truth is that I'm so proud of you for growing up to be such a fine veterinarian. You grew up so beautiful and strong that I felt you didn't need me as Fiona did. I love you Serenity and always have."

Hearing my parents tell me they love me and how much they were proud of me got me to cry more. I have been waiting for years just for this day to come. I wish it didn't have to come to a point like this when my sister tried to kill me. Truth is I wanted a special sister bond with Fiona like other sisters did in the movies and TV shows I used to watch. Sean kneeled to me and my parents' level so he could look them in the eyes.

"Can I count that from now on you both will do better as parents for Serenity?" Sean asked them giving my mother and father a hard look. My father nodded and so did my mother.

"We will. And just to prove it. We will let Fiona learn from her mistake and stay in jail until she is released." My mother said smiling at me.

"Thank you," I said hugging them tightly. I soon pulled away and hugged Sean. I'm so glad he came with me. I don't think I could have handled this on my own.

"There is something I like to ask of you both," Sean said.

I looked at Sean confused. What did he need to tell my parents? Sean pulled me into his strong arms facing my parents with a serious face. Mom and dad got a little worried about what he was going to say.

"I like for you both to know that I love Serenity with all my heart. I can see myself with no other women but her in my life. I love to have your blessing for I wish to marry Serenity."

Oh my god...Is this happening? I watched Sean kneel before me pulling out a small black box. He opened it to reveal a beautiful rose gold diamond engagement ring.

"Serenity Rose. Will you make me the happiest man in the world and marry me?"

I looked at my mom and dad who just stood there shocked at what was happening. I looked back at Sean looking into his beautiful electric blue eyes seeing all the love he has for me. I smiled brightly.

"Yes! Thousand times yes!!" I tackled Sean down hugging him so tightly. He returned the hug smiling kissing my forehead sweetly. A soft cough from dad made me and Sean look at him.

"Sean Bellaire. Even though our first meeting was not pleasant. I can see just how much you love my daughter and that you are a better choice for her then Ethan will ever be. You have my blessing."

"As of mine." Mom said.

No words can ever reach what I'm feeling deep in my heart. For once everything is looking brighter with a future I can't wait to live through. Meeting Sean, Darren, David, Summer, and having my best friend Melody with me through it all. And now my parents making a change I knew that this is the beginning of a new life.

"I'm still pressing charges." 


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