Happy Birthday Baby

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Tears fill my eyes. I can't believe they would do this for me. Looking around there is a big banner that say 'Happy Birthday Sin' in big colorful letters, streamers of green and black decorate the room. A table fill of presents is agaisnt the wall.

Kellin, and Austen are in the middle with the twins and Jena in front of them with Hugo and Ause on the left and Keil and Zenith on the right, the pack stands behind them.

"You didn't have to." I wipe my eyes. It's been so long since I had people that cares about me. Arms wraps around me, sparks fly from were we touch.

"Yes we did baby." Zairian kisses my forehead. "You need to know how much we care for you."

His words swim around my head, looking back on past actions since I been here. I know it's true. The way Kellin babies me, how Austen looks at me like a son, how Zairian's brothers treat me like I'm a fragile piece of glass, how the pack alwaus has a smile on their face when they see me, and last but not least, the way Zairian looks at me like I'm the most precious thing on earth, like I'm his life line. I love it.

I turn and hug Zairian huggimg the life out of him. "Thank you."

"You don't have to thank me baby. Ill do anything for you. Now enjoy your birthday." His words has me smiling. Unwrapping my arms I turn and walk over to the pack. I hug everyone of them and thanking them. I leave my mate's family for last. I hug Kellin tightly, my bump brushing against his bump. He's 3 months today, he can have the baby any time now.

"Thank you Kellin." I whisper.

"Sweetheart you don't need to thank me. You're family." He tells me. I nod my head, smiling.

Ravi and Aiden runs over to me and hugs me. "Happy birthday cutie!" They yell in my ears. I met Ravi and Aiden when Zaen had there baby. Ravi is 18 and looks like Zaen. Aiden is 17 and looks like Ky. Zaen and Ky comes over with Zaen holding their baby.

"Happy birthday sweetie." Zaen hugs me then pulls away.

"Thank you Zaen." I smile at him before looking down at the baby.

"He's so cute!" I squeal holding my hands to hold him. Zaen puts him in my arms. He has a button nose and lips like Ky, he makes me want my baby even more.

I feel arms wrap around me, sparks indicating that it is Zairian. "I can't wait until we have our baby."

"I know. I want my baby so much." I say snuggling into his chest, still holding the baby. Zaen takes the baby from me. I pout causing Zaen to chuckle.

"You can hold Zy later, he needs a nap." Zaen kisses my forehead before walking away with the cute baby. 

Zairian turns me in his arms. "You're sexy holding a baby." His words has me giggling, pecking his lips, I snuggle into his chest.

A whistle has everyone turning to Kellin. "Will the birthday boy please head to the cake, it's time to sing happy birthday."

Everyone turns to me smiling, blushing I head to the big tower cake. Its green and black with swirls decorating, with a big 19 number candles on it. Zairian lights it, everyone crowds around the table. They start singing the birthday song. When it's over, I blow out the candles, after making my wish.

The cake gets cut so everyone gets a piece. Eating the delicious vanilla cake, Zairian and I feed each other. After that's done everyone goes to the livingroom.

'Sit here Sin sweetie, it's time to open your presents." Kellin tells me I sit on Zairian's lap as I open the presents. When it's time to open Kellin's and Austen's, it's an envelope. Confused I open it. Adoption papers with Jena's name on it. I look to them.

"Jena needs parent figures, so we was wondering, if... that.. maybe. That we could adopt Jena." Kellin pauses. "We will never replace your parents."

Tears fill my eyes. "I... I... yes.. Jena needs parents, I'll love for you to adopt her."

A big smile crosses Kellin's face. He stands and waddles over to me, hugging the life out of me.

"Thank you!" He kisses my cheek and wipes my eyes. "Now time for more presents."

Next is Marcus amd Darius, they both grab thin wrapping paper. Unwrapping both, they are both pictures of the family and a of a family with a baby. They were really good for 5 year olds.

"Thank you!" I hug them both. Next is Zenith. He hands me a box, unwrapping it is pictures of Zairian and I in our moments. They are I'm black and white.

"Did you take these?" I ask him in awe. He blushes before nodding his head. "They're really good, thank you." He nods his head before shoving Keil.

Keil hands me a rectangle box. Undoing it. It's a collection of Spongebob DVDs. I used to love spongebob when my parents were alive. Now that I've been here I started watching it again.

"Thanks I love it." I smile at him, causing him to blush shyly.

"Here you go." Ause hands me a big box. Opening it, I see a new game system witg tons of games. I giggle.

"Thanks now I can show you how a real gamer plays." I tease him.

"Sure dork. It's on!" Ause yells hitting his chest with his fists, bit he falls over by Hugo pushing him of the couch. He lands with a thug, causing me to giggle again.

"My present is the best!" Hugo runs over to the table and grabs a present and runs over handing it to me. I unwrap it to reviel a green shirt. Putting it up I look at the design. It makes me laugh a deep belly laugh. Showing everyone they start to laugh too. On the shirt is a picture of Zairian with very bright purple hair and wearing make-up, at the bottom it says 'I'm with a dork.'

"Hugo I love it." I hug him, he hugs back while kissing my cheek. I turn to see Zairian pouting. Awing I pinch his cheek.

"Don't worry baby, you're my dork." I kiss his pouty lips, he smiles at me.

"My turn!" The sound of Jena's voive has me turning my head towards her. He runs over to me handing me a little box. Opening it I see a bracelet. Picking it up it has my name on it, the string is green and has black beads.

"Awe Jen Jen I love it!" I pick her up squeezing her to me. She giggles before putting It on me.

"Dada Kellin helped me make it." She sucks her thumb. Smiking I kiss her little nose before she runs over to Kellin getting on his lap.

"I have a present for you." My mate whispers in my ear. He stands with me in his arms, and takes me up the stairs to a door by our room. Zairian opens the door. A room with green walls and black furniture. Pictures of the family is on the wall. I walk into the room. I can't believe it. It's so beautiful and perfect for our little boy. I feel tears fill my eyes. I turn to Zairian.

"Happy birthday baby."


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