Ause and His Mate

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"They're hunters on pack lands. They have Ause." A pack warrior tells the pack in the mink link.

We are all comforting dada as he cries out Ause's name. "Baby. The hunters are here with Ause!"

Dada jumps up, running out of the room. Daddy, Hugo, Kiel, Sin, and I all run after him. Mau meeting us at the stairs.

Dada is standing at the doorway. "Ause!" His voice screams out in pain.

I look through the door to see my little brother with his head covered and chains hooked to his collarbones. His skin is carved, blood dripping down. His wrists tied in the front of him. His fingers look to be crushed.

What did they do to him?

Ause is trapped between two guys with shotguns. The one on the right takes the black hood off his face.

As soon as his head is freed his eyes goes to the girl that is being held by a man that looks to be her father. His mate.

She has green eyes and ginger hair. She is tall with guns strapped to her. Her eyes are locked with Ause.

"Father please don't do this!" She pleas the man that looks to be the leader. He glare down at her before slapping her in the face.

Ause growls, breaking the chains that bound his wrist. He grabs the throats of the men he's between and rips their throats out.

The girl rips herself away from the man, she grabs his gun amd shoots him in the legs.

It all happens in seconds. The pack and fae attacks the Hunter. I run beside Sin making sure he doesn't get hurt.

Seeing a hunter point a gun at Sin, I command vines to wrap around his body to his hand. The vines wrap tightly around his wrist, cutting off his hand. I run to him digging my nails into his neck, ripping it out.

Screams fill the air. The sound of ripping and gunshots ring in the air. Turning, I see Sin in the air throwing lightening balls at the hunters. Hugo has a gun shooting every hunter he sees. Daddy is in wolf form tearing at the people that hurt his son. Dada is stabbing the death out of the leader. Ause is protecting the girl.

Blood stains the grass. Limbs are all over the place. Gunsmoke pollutes the air. Screams and cries of pain hits my eardrums.

An earthquake shakes the earth. Knowing it's dada I run out of the way. The wolves and fae run out of the way of the big crack in the earth. Hunters begin to fall in.

The scream of Ause's mate rings through the air. Turning my head, she is hanging on the other side of the crack. Ause runs over to her helping her.

When she's safe, they hug each other. She cries in his chest. He hugs her tightly to him.

Dada closes the crack. Then runs over to Ause. Hugging both of them. He cries out Ause's name. Sobbing in his chest. We all run over to Ause and the girl. We give them a big family hug.

"I can heal him." Sin whispers out shyly.

"Please do! My collarbones are hurting like a bitch right now." Ause grins at Sin. Sin nods his head before moving closer to Ause.

He grabs the top of the hooks. "This is going to hurt." Ause nods his head.

Sin pulls out both hooks, Ause whimperjng the whole time. When the hooks are out. Sin puts his hands on his chest. White light shines from his hands. The wounds on Ause begins to heal. Even the scars on him.

When he's fully healed. Ause hugs Sin to him. "Thank you."

Sin nods his head smiling. "So whose your friend?"

"This is my mate..." he pauses, turning to the girl. "Sweetheart, what's your name?"

She blushes at the attention. "Emma."

"This is Emma, my beautiful mate." Ause looks at her with love in his eyes.

"Hello dear, come on lets get everyone inside and cleaned up." Dada orders not letting go of Ause.

We walk to the packhouse. Getting in we all sit in the livingroom, listening to Ause's and Emma's tale.

She knows everything there is to know about the mystical world. She knew the moment she saw Ause that they were mates. It's sweet that she cleaned his wounds.

"Thank you Emma!" Dada hugs her sniffing. He's been crying in Ause's lap not letting him go.

'You don't have to thank me. I'll do amything for my mate." She grins at dada.

She turns to us and smiles. "So you all are brothers. Please tell me your names."

"I'm Sin." Sin tells her holding Zaurus. "And this is mine and Zairian's son Zaurus." I smiles at her.

"I'm Hugo the awesome one!"



"Marcus and Darius."


"And this cutey is Storm." Daddy tells her hold Storm.

"It's nice to meet you all." She smiles at us. "I better get Ause to bed. He needs sleep."

We all nod our heads. All of us needed sleep from the rough days. We head up to bed. Putting Zaurus to sleep, then Sin and j fall asleep in our bed.

The last thing I see is Sin snuggling into my chest

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